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You Know You’re Going to Rally; Get Your Annual Waiver Today!

Ever want to walk into an SCCA event like you own the place? With the SCCA Annual Waiver, you can! SCCA’s Annual Waiver eases the burden on both participants and volunteers, allowing SCCA Members easy access to event sites – and with the Annual Waiver being completed digitally, the process is as easy as click, click, upload a photo and click.

Login using the Member Access Portal (MAP) at and click the “Licenses & Waivers” link under the “Online Store” tab. From there, add the “Annual Waiver Adult” to your cart and follow along as the system walks you through the process. The only pre-waiver prep you’ll need is to locate a digital image that meets the Annual Waiver’s requirements – namely, a PNG, PDF, GIF, or TIFF image that’s 3MB or smaller that clearly shows your face.

Then click, click, done.

Digital Annual Waivers for minors are also available, as are forms offering parental consent.

Click here for full instructions for signing the Annual Waiver

Another way to find these forms is to use the links below:

 Annual Waiver-Adult   Annual Waiver-Minor

 Annual Waiver-Parental Consent

While You’re There

While logged into MAP, you can also click the green “My Membership Card” button under the “My Profile” link of the “My Account” tab to access a digital version of your membership card. Otherwise, this shortcut will take you there.

For easy access at events, the digital membership card can be saved to your phone as a PDF, or as a dynamically-updated shortcut on your home screen – a feature many smartphones offer through the “share” feature while clicking the green “My Membership Card” link.

Other Things to Know

It should be noted that while the digital Annual Waiver and digital membership card are fantastically easy and convenient, they’re also not required. Both digital and physical hard cards will be accepted at event registration, and those choosing not to sign the digital waiver will be able to sign a paper waiver on-site or submit the Annual Waiver physically, as in the past.

The process is simple, easy, and (best of all) free – so get clicking and pretend you’re a VIP at the next SCCA event you attend.

From RReNews: We have SCCA Members who just did the “click, click, done.” It truly is that easy!

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