Some people think that stories have a beginning, middle, and end. However, the Alcan 5000 trip has a beginning; it never really ended. It was an experience that kept giving, growing, and empowering me. So, I guess let’s start.
The journey didn’t begin on day one; it started a few months beforehand when my Dad told me about the Alcan 5000 and asked if I would be interested in trying it for my Senior Trip. I figured it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I could go to London or Hawaii anytime but never get to the Arctic Circle. So I took a leap of faith, not knowing what or where it would take me; I gotta say I wasn’t disappointed.
My Dad and I left for Seattle, Washington, three days before the Rally would start; my Grandpas were to meet us there. When we got there, I was nervous and filled with excitement; I had never been to Seattle before and was just excited to start it all. The first day we spent in Seattle was, by far, one of the best days on the trip. We went to a museum, got great food, saw the Space Needle, and enjoyed each other’s company. However, the next day was a little more nerve-racking; that was the night before we started the Rally, where everyone had a meet and greet. I remember being very nervous, overwhelmed, and overstimulated by everyone that I ended up leaving early.

When we started the Rally the next day, I wanted to get a headstart on all the homework I needed to do; that was a mistake. I ended up puking my guts out due to staring at my computer screen for an hour straight—#NOTWORTH IT. Nevertheless, I got everything I needed for that day, and a win is a win. We continued making our way to the Canadian border, and there was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous scenery. I popped in my headphones and did what any girl would do. I listened to sad, cute, love songs while looking out the window. It was relaxing and honestly made me feel the best I have felt in a long time.
There were a lot of days like that. We hopped in the car, and I popped in my headphones and onto the next destination we went; it was peaceful, having a nice steady rhythm to fall into, something simple and easy. However, something was missing in all of it. Like a piece of a puzzle waiting to be filled in. Thankfully, we found that piece; funny enough, it wasn’t a piece. It was a group of amazing people who made the rest of our trip the best days ever: Marie, Jeff, Scott, Jeremiah, Hartly, and Brian. Those are the names of the people we met and the names of the people who touched our hearts and inspired me to be a little more joyful a little more me.
The first day we hung out with our group, it was a little goofy. It was a monument to adjusting and getting to know each other. We learned a lot about each other. Jeff and Marie are from San Antonio, and Brian and Scott are son and father from Virginia. Hartly is Canadian himself, and Jeremiah is from North Carolina and collects pins from everywhere he goes.
We eventually started to get into the groove of each other. We became good friends, sharing meals, smiles, and laughter. It was an experience I’ll never forget; we made memories that will never fail us, helped each other find courage, and helped one another when it came to driving, passing cars, unexpected periods, and more.
Back row: Jeremiah, Ella, Brian, & Scott. Front row: Jeff, Marie, Adam, Kemp & John
I know the Alcan 5000 sounds pretty boring from the way I described it; however, it is far from it. We went ice racing and saw moose, foxes, bison, and more. We got to see beauty that few people ever see in their lifetime. It was a journey, and then some; I would do it a thousand times over again if it meant seeing my friends and those beautiful pictures that the sky seemed to paint while the sun set above the mountains. The way the light touched the trees and shone in the car was worth every second of the wait, and I recommend this trip to anyone who wants to try something new, anyone who is daring enough to go out and chart their own course. The Alcan 5000 is a trip for dreamers, and I’m proud to say I’m one of them.

From Road Rally eNews: Ella Nelson is 16 years old, and the Alcan 5000 was her High School graduation “gift trip.” Her team, all from Ohio in entry #28, was teamed by her father, Adam Nelson, and her two Grandpas, John Nelson and Kemp Gilts.
When we saw a photo taken by the Alcan5000 crew of the teams’ red truck with a youngster in the
crew, we began asking at the Alcan 5000 banquet, “Who had the kid in the backseat?”
We were delighted to meet Ella, who graciously agreed to write for us through her eyes!