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US: SCCA RoadRally “The Full Spectrum of Road Rally” Zoominar Set for October 28th

Continuing the series of Quarterly Zoom Get-Togethers which started earlier this year, the RoadRally Board announces that the next session will take place on October 28, 2021, from 7:00-9:00 PM CDT. It will focus on “The Full Spectrum of RoadRally”, and will present information that can help Regional organizers as well as new participants of Road Rally.

This quarter, the focus is Regional organizers as well as new RoadRally participants. Covered items will include:

  • Why become involved in RoadRally
  • Four primary styles of RoadRally events
  • Available levels of competition
  • Different approaches to building a Regional program
  • Question & Answer session
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Handouts may be downloaded prior to the meeting and include an Agenda and the Powerpoint presentation that may be shared with fellow Region Members, and especially your Region’s Board of Directors.

Head on over to the page for more information and the link to join in the learning and discussion to follow!

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

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