My First Road Rally, RoadRally Standings, There's an APP for That!

US: RoadRally Beginners Guide to TSD Zoom Get-Together

Continuing the new series of Quarterly Zoom Get-Togethers, the SCCA RoadRally Board announces that the next session will take place on Thursday, July 15th, and will include these two topics:

Wendy Harrison will present a Beginners Guide to TSD RoadRally. This session is aimed at first-timers and will cover the essential things they need to know to select, participate in, and enjoy a Time Speed Distance rally.

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SCCA staff members who are participating in a TSD RoadRally for their first time at Roads Scamper, a National Rally, in Middleton, WI on June 6, 2021, will share their experiences as newcomers to this type of rally event.

Click here for the zoom link for the event on July 15, 2021.

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