Before this event, one person had signed up on MotorsportReg, and one person had called me to say that he would pay at the event but didn’t want to sign up on MotorsportReg (although he uses MotorsportReg for other sporting events). Morgan is active in flagging and scrutinizing at Circuit of the Americas, and Rick is active at Circuit of the Americas and Harris Hill, Track Night in America. Rick has also made F1 events in Maimi and has been accepted for F1 Las Vegas. Both learned about this event from the Lone Star Region’s newsletter.
Two reasons for the low turnout have been given even though people keep asking for this road rally. First, the weather has seen the area in the throes of 50+ days of 100°+F days; it was 108 on the day of this event. The second reason was this was the last weekend before school started, and parents may have been focused on school issues. Neither of the people present this weekend have children in school, although one is a local teacher.

San Antonio History Rallyists — Rick Ruiz, Morgan Leist, and Chris Cardella
Both cars took two and a half hours to complete the tour. Both cars were local and thought they knew the city but commented that this roadrally took them to areas they had not seen before. Both cars stopped at San Juan Capistrano Mission and were impressed with the improvements made there in recent years.

Chris Cardella’s Dodge Charger and Rick Ruiz’s Mazda
Everyone seemed to enjoy the social at the Longhorn Café who remembered us from the 2021 event.
Rick Ruiz was the oldest Navigator.
Morgan Leist was the youngest driver.
Victoria Grijalva was the youngest driver.
Chris Cardella was the oldest navigator.
Sabrina Grijalva was the youngest participant.
Rick Ruiz was the oldest participant.
Morgan Leist drove the furthest to attend.
Rick Ruiz was the closest to attending this event.
Rick Ruiz had the newest vehicle, and Morgan Leist had the oldest.
Lesson Learned: I tried calling both drivers during the event but was unable to contact either. Rick’s phone ran out of power halfway through the event, and Morgan’s kept going to voice mail. In future events, I need to ensure we all have working phones in case we have to issue late messages or route corrections.
Possible future events
- October 14, 2023, from San Marcos to Cele for BBQ, Halloween costume contest, and watch the eclipse.
- February 24, 2024, from San Antonio to Goliad for the “Cinco de Mayo” run to Golida and Presideo La Bahia State/National Historic Site. The hero of the Mexican Victory in the Battle of Puebla on 5 May 1862 was Gen Ignacio Zaragoza, born in Goliad on 25 March 1829, 195 years ago. General Zaragoza was the grandson of Texican hero Juan Jose Maria Erasmo Seguin and cousin to Juan Nepomuceno Seguin, Republic of Texas Senator from Bexar District.