RoadRally Standings

TX: Hedy Lamarr Road Rally Wrap-Up

The Lone Star Region of the Sports Car Club of America put on the Hedy Lamarr Road Rally on Saturday, August 4th. To quote Jerry Wannarka, “…wanted to pass along the results of the second rally the Lone Star Region put on this year. Shows what a good Rallymaster and a lot enthusiasm can do.” His wrap-up found it’s way to us and I am very pleased to share it with the Road Rally community.

From Ken McElroy, Rallymaster —

I would like to thank the people who helped put on this event. Joaquin Effinger was our lead car and had run the route beforehand to make sure he knew the way. Edgar Martinez was the chase car along with his son Eddie Martinez. Steve Hudson was at registration and helped all of these strangers feel at home. I would especially like to thank Betina Foreman who was particularly instrumental in the success of this rally. She managed to get our flyer out to numerous Facebook accounts in the area which really helped attract new drivers. She was also our official registrar and brought sweet rolls for registration. After registering everyone she ran the route and then helped everyone at Mamacita’s feel welcome at lunch. Besides all of these duties, she also took pictures of the event both at registration and at Mamacita’s. Thank you ever so much for your help Betina!

Ken has done an excellent job at writing up the Hedy Lamarr with photos, so please click here to read the pdf!

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