RoadRally Standings

TX: Come and Take It Road Rally

The Dellcrest Plaza Burger King, in SE San Antonio, was our registration site for the Come and Take It Road Rally, sanctioned by the SCCA Lone Star Region as a Social Rally. There was a little shade for our February 25th rally, but it was a cool and overcast day that was very pleasant. Some construction on Loop 410 and Interstate 10 made it inconvenient for some people to get there. This rally was to run in 2020, yet the Covid shutdown canceled the rally.

We had an assortment of vehicles for the Come and Take It RoadRally. Gerald and Bonnie Wannarka (Audi RS5), Ty Perich and Andrew Radloff (Mazda RX-5), Neal and Jane Bellamy (Corvette), Laurence and Candice Fischbach (Subaru Outback).

Eight teams signed up on MotorsportReg. PM Summer had to drop out due to medical issues, yet donated their Registration fee to our RoadRally program, which we appreciate. 

• We had one walk-up from VetMotorsports 

• Four SCCA Teams and Four Weekend Membership registrations

• Five entries had competed in numerous rallies with the Lone Star Region

• One team had only entered our previous event

• One team had a 10-year-old Navigator; her brother, also 10, was our only guest.

How did everyone hear about this event?

4 Ken’s Newsletter

2 Facebook via SCCA Lone Star Region

1 VetMotorSports

1 Friend sent the link

Justin Reeves served as RoadRally Safety Steward and ran our route safety inspection the week before. Our Region Executive, Nadja Pollard, and her husband attended, as did our previous Region Executive, Gerald Wannarka, with his wife, Bonnie Wannarka. Using the organizer’s car trunk, our Registration was ready by 12:30 PM, with two people registered on site by 1:00 PM. The Safety Briefing was at 1:45 PM, and the cars were released at 90-second intervals starting at 2:01 PM. 

The route left San Antonio and skirted Seguin to the south before entering Gonzales from the south. Our destination was the Gonzales Meat Market on Hero’s Square. After our BBQ lunches, the Rally Organizer gave a brief history of the city of Gonzales and its role in the Texas Revolution, primarily related to the Alamo. The group then voted on the following awards:

Youngest Driver Ty Perich

Youngest Navigator Isabella Lugo (10)

Youngest Participant Sebastian Lugo (10)

Oldest Driver Gerald Wanarka

Oldest Navigator Bonnie Wanarka

Newest Vehicle Erik Lugo

Furthest to Participate Neal Bellamy (Ken from how far)

Closest to Participate Ty Perich (how close)

Hard Luck Award PM Summer (unable to attend due to medical issues)

The Lugo family took top honors with the most awards for the Come and Take It RoadRally. Father Erik had the newest vehicle, and daughter Bonnie Lugo was the youngest Navigator. Son Sebastian Lugo was the youngest participant.

The evaluation forms noted that all had fun and would run the event again. Several evaluation forms complemented the history lessons along the way and during the meal. People would like to see future Road Rallies to:

• Five famous pie places

• Shiner Brewery

• Texas Caves

• Twin Sisters and the Texas Hill Country

Our next RoadRally will be the No Fooling Bluebonnet Run on 1 April, which begins at the Dairy Queen in Johnson City. We’ll travel thru Marble Falls to Burnet and then to the west side of Lake Buchanan before stopping for BBQ at Inman’s Kitchen in Llano. If people return home through Fredericksburg, they will hit all of the significant bluebonnet roads in Central Texas.

Lessons Learned:

1. Entrants must realize that the Texas State Registration sticker is only given if the vehicle passes a minimum safety and environmental test. Instead of calling for a State Safety Inspection sticker, I will refer to the State Vehicle Registration sticker in the future.

2. Texans are complaining about any mention of COVID masks.

3. If I am going to use the trunk of my car as the Registration desk, clean off the aphid sap before leaving home.

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