Building a Road Rally Program, RoadRally Standings, There's an APP for That!

There’s an App for That!

Scoreboard App for Apple Devices – August 2021

I am very pleased to announce the availability of the Scoreboard app for Apple iOS devices. The app formally named “Scoreboard – Richta GPS Checkpoints” is available in the Apple App Store.

The Scoreboard app provides rally competitors, event organizers, and the general public with real-time scoring updates for road rally events that use the Richta GPS Timing and Scoring System. As a contestant passes a checkpoint (CP) their score is computed, displayed to them, and then the score is posted to a database in the cloud. The Scoreboard app receives each of these updates and, in turn, updates its screen. The number of CPs each competitor has passed and their total score is shown. Simply tapping on a competitor’s line on the summary screen will display their leg-by-leg scores.

Scores may be sorted by car number or by total score, lowest first. (A future release to score by total score within a Class is planned). 

The Scoreboard app also shows a map of checkpoint locations. Only Restart and Time Check checkpoints are shown; the On Course, Off Course, and Timing Checkpoints are not. The position of each rally competitor is shown on the map; the Competitor app reports its location once every 20 seconds. The competitor app’s device must have a mobile data connection enabled and be in an area with data coverage for the location update to flow to the cloud. 

Rallymasters have the option to restrict access to the Scoreboard app for their event by setting a Scorer’s password in the Event Settings or optionally, to hide the map from being shown during the event.  

A Scoreboard app for Android devices has previously been released and is available in the Google Play Store.

Usage Stats: The use of the Richta GPS Checkpoints system has grown in 2021. As of July 27, there have been 47 events conducted using the system this year: 867 cars have been timed through 2,006 checkpoints generating 35,389 timeslips. There are a total of 87 events planning to use the system in 2021.

~Rich Bireta

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