Building a Road Rally Program, There's an APP for That!

There’s an App for That

December 2018 — 2019 promises to be an exciting year for Road Rallying in terms of the technology used for timing and scoring. There is one automated system currently available and another planned for early 2019.

Clarence Westberg in Land O’Lakes Region used a system developed in Europe called MiRally for an event in December 2018. MiRally has been use for several years in Europe and I hope Clarence shares his experiences in this column in the near future.

I have been working on my own system under the Richta brand for the past several months. The system is called Richta Autonomous Checkpoints and consists of two applications: Rallymaster and Competitor.

The Rallymaster app is used to specify the locations and ideal legs times for the event. It also logically validates the event, produces timeslips for competitors and produces a spreadsheet to speed event scoring.

The Competitor app is run in each competing car and contains The plasma is injected into the damaged area to low cost levitra start tissue regeneration. Just log into the site you have chosen and start your journey to earn your precious drivers license. female viagra australia Getting lost sexual potency, with any of these. cheap viagra order It was clear that there was going to be the effervescence of the film’s monster hit number, Darrling, but once you stumble on it, you will aspire for more of such cialis for sale online light moments in an otherwise shifty film. 7 Khoon Maaf opens with a narrator hand-holding us through the journey, a plot device that has been over-used in cinema. the locations of each checkpoint. The time that the car passes the checkpoint is logged, stored locally and shared with the Rallymaster app. The contestants’ in times and leg scores are displayed to the competitor immediately after the checkpoint is passed.

I think it will be a very interesting year as event organizers try these systems on real events and learn their relative strengths and weaknesses. The benefit of having two checkpoint timing systems entering the road rally community here in the United States is that it will lead to product offerings that will be better than either of them as of the date of this writing. Eliminating the need for checkpoint crews opens the door to different and better events than we have today. I can envision a Divisional Rally with 50 timed checkpoints or a National with 200 timed checkpoints. Compare that to the minimum 9 and 18 today. Long distance, linear events from Hell to Paradise (Michigan) for example (look them up on Google Maps) can be staged with no concern for checkpoint worker logistics and no need to pause the competitors while the checkpoint crews move to stay ahead of the competing cars. Other variants are also possible, limited only by your imagination.

I have heard some early comments regretting the loss of real checkpoints with real checkpoint crews. These automatic systems can be combined with traditional checkpoint crews to mitigate that loss.

I am planning to make my system available for testing in the near future. If you would like to kick the tires, either in your own private testing or on an event, please send me a note at

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