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The Mike Drop by Mike Bennett, RRB Chair

From RReNews — Our apologies to RRB Chair Bennett. We corrected the link twice in the June RReNews for his edition of Mike Drop, yet it appears it still did not take. Please click here to read his June Edition!

Greetings from the RRB, and welcome to the second edition of The Mike Drop! We just finished one of the busiest Aprils ever in the SCCA RoadRally program, and many more events at all levels of competition are ahead of us this year.

In April, the RRB published a Technical Bulletin clarifying how SCCA event insurance and participants’ personal vehicle insurance interact in the case of an incident. Details can be found here.

We opened the “window” for proposed changes to the 2024 RoadRally Rules (both abridged and unabridged versions) and the Trek Rules on 4/30/23 and will close it on 6/30/23. You can send your suggestions to during that period.

The next Quarterly Zoom Get-Together was announced in April. It will be held on Thursday, May 25th, 8:00-10:00 PM Eastern. The topics being addressed are:

  • Richta GPS Checkpoints: Best Practices, presented by Rich Bireta. This will cover best practices when using Richta GPS Checkpoints and how to handle unusual situations.
  • RoadRally and MSReg, presented by Ryan Cunningham. This will answer questions about how to use MSReg to register participants for RoadRally events.

Both sessions will offer plenty of time for Q&A! You can find the Zoom link here.

And with that, the mic is (figuratively) dropped!

Comments are closed.

Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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