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The Mike Drop by Mike Bennett, RRB Chair

Hello from the RoadRally Board (RRB), and welcome to the first edition of The Mike Drop! As you are likely aware, a LOT is happening in the SCCA RoadRally program this year. The Planning Calendar is overflowing with National, Divisional, Regional, Social, Charity, and Trek events, so grab a friend and enjoy one.

March was Women’s History Month, and as a Club, we acknowledged the accomplishments of women in all SCCA programs through the Women on Track initiative. In RoadRally, we celebrated Savera D’Souza (Northern New Jersey Region), Fay Teal (South Jersey Region), Wilma Dunias (Texas Region), and Alison Lee (Detroit Region). Congratulations to them, and thanks to all women who serve as Organizers, Rallymasters, Safety Stewards, workers in our program, and competitors as Drivers and Navigators!

Although 2023 still seems “young,” we aren’t far from the middle of the calendar year; we will open the “window” for proposed changes to the 2024 RoadRally Rules on 4/30/23 and close it on 6/30/23. You can send your suggestions to during that period.

The RRB is putting effort into several initiatives this year. Wendy Harrison is making progress on a “How To Trek” online course to be added to the Learning Management System in the Member Account Portal. She is also revising the RoadRally Safety Steward process to align it with other SCCA programs. Jamie Hayslip is working with SCCA Staff to reorganize and streamline the Rules & Documents area of the RoadRally program page on the SCCA website. Larry Scholnick is working with our National Events Committee to conduct a successful National/Divisional series in 2023, including an outstanding USRRC. Carl Staab has been improving our distribution lists for communications. Jessica Toney is new to the RRB this year and has contributed a lot of good ideas and a perspective that we lacked. I have been working with SCCA Staff on several issues and have authored one Technical Bulletin this year, with a second coming soon.

Our Regional Development Committee is working on the second installment of their RoadRally Road Map for Regions interested in starting, reviving, or expanding their RoadRally programs.

We will be continuing the series of Quarterly Zoom Get-Togethers this year. The date selected for the next one is Thursday, May 25th. Watch for an announcement about the Agenda and other details in the near future.

And with that, the mic is (figuratively) dropped!

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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