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The Mike Drop by Mike Bennett, RRB Chair

Greetings from the RoadRally Board, and welcome to the fourth edition of The Mike Drop. Hard to believe, but we are well into the Summer portion of our schedule, and Fall events are not far away!

The RRB has been looking at a new proposal from SCCA National Staff to align the Safety Steward recruitment and training processes between the RoadRally, RallyCross, and Solo programs. We think this is a good idea and will communicate more about it as the effort progresses.

Registration has opened for the 2023 United States Road Rally Challenge (USRRC), hosted by the SCCA South Jersey and Philadelphia Regions over the October 20-22 weekend. The Committee has added three Regional events, which will parallel but be less difficult than the three National events. The Regional events also feature lower entry fees but do not count toward the National Championships. Total registration is capped at 30 teams for each of the three rallies, so get your entries in soon! 

The National Events Committee (NEC) still seeks a Host Region for the 2024 USRRC. Let them know by 8/31/23 if your Region is interested by emailing them at 

At the end of June, we closed the “window” for proposed changes to the 2024 RoadRally Rules and the Trek Rules. We received several suggestions, which were discussed at two RRB/NEC meetings in July; those selected for feedback from the RoadRally community have been sent out via direct email and posted on the website. Comments are due to by 8/31/23.

The next Quarterly Zoom Get-Together has been scheduled for 8/31/23 from 8:00-10:00 PM Eastern time via Zoom. The topics selected should be of general interest to RoadRally organizers and participants. We will be posting the link on social media and the SCCA website.

And with that, the mic is (figuratively) dropped!

Comments are closed.

Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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