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The Mike Drop by Mike Bennett, RRB Chair

Greetings from the RRB, and welcome to the third edition of The Mike Drop. We are wrapping up one of the busiest First Halves ever in the SCCA RoadRally program, and more events are being added to the calendar frequently. What a great time to be involved in our sport!

The “window” for proposed changes to the 2024 RoadRally Rules and the Trek Rules was opened on 4/30/23 and is about to close on 6/30/23. We have received several proposals to consider, and as usual, we will discuss them with the NEC before sending them out for comment from the RoadRally community. You can still send any last-minute suggestions to

Since my last column, the RRDC and RRB, with help from SCCA National Staff, have thoroughly revamped the Rules & Documents area of our RoadRally website. Our goal was to make the information contained there more readily accessible, and part of achieving that was modeling the structure after the “File Cabinet” area of the SCCA website. Check out the new format here:

The Quarterly Zoom Get-Together on 5/25/23 was well-attended, and the MSReg presentation generated a lot of questions and suggestions. MSReg recommended forming a user committee to work on updated templates for registering RoadRally events. The Regional Development Committee has taken on this task.

We are also planning the next Quarterly Zoom Get-Together. The tentative date is 8/31/23 from 8:00-10:00 PM Eastern via Zoom. The topics are still under development, so watch for a more detailed announcement here in RReNews, Up to Speed, and on the SCCA RoadRally FaceBook page.

Finally, preparations are well underway for the 2023 USRRC, hosted by the South Jersey and Philadelphia Regions on October 20-22, 2023. The Committee is working on making this quite a memorable event. Registration will open on 8/1/2023, and each of the three events will be capped at 30 teams, so plan on entering early! Also, watch for a big article about the upcoming USRRC in the next print edition of SportsCar magazine.

And with that, the mic is (figuratively) dropped!

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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