Tag: TSD
NY: Ithaca Winter RoadRally
Sanctioned by the SCCA Finger Lakes Region, the Ithaca Winter RoadRally is approximately 185 rally miles, using mostly unpaved roads in the southern part of Central New York. Classes will be Equipped, Limited, Stock, and Novice classes. Snow tires are recommended (all season tires may limit your speed group eligibility),[Read More…]
OR: CSCC 57th Ghoul’s Gambol Rally
Cascade Sports Car Club’s 57th Ghoul’s Gambol Rally offers an easy-to-follow scenic drive on paved, less-traveled roads starting in northwest Portland and ending at Rockaway Beach. Entry requires a street-legal vehicle, a licensed and insured driver, a navigator, and a smart device (e.g., cell phone or tablet) running the Competitor Richta[Read More…]
OR: CSCC July Rally
Rallymasters Marcus and Kerrie Gattman will take us from Milwaukie Lowe’s, east through Sandy, and into the Columbia River Gorge area, eventually ending in Gresham. Register by July 19: http://msreg.com/CSCCJuly23See who is entered: http://www.cascadegeargrinders.org/files/2023JulyRally_EntryList.pdf Rally season flyer: http://www.cascadegeargrinders.org/files/cscc-road-rally-flyer-2023.pdfRally ho! VictoriaP.S. Please share this rally event announcement. Help get the word out that Cascade road[Read More…]
OR: CSCC August Rally
Cascade Sports Car Club’s Road Rally program (aka Cascade Geargrinders) offers beginner-friendly time-speed-distance road rallies, lasting three to four hours, starting and ending in the Portland area. These events are open to everyone – club members, non-members, and all types of vehicles. A road rally is a game you play while[Read More…]
OR: CSCC June Rally
Cascade Sports Car Club’s Road Rally program (aka Cascade Geargrinders) offers beginner-friendly time-speed-distance road rallies, lasting three to four hours, starting and ending in the Portland area. The CSCC June 10th Summer Series Rally will have Rallymasters Cody and Sabrina Garvin planning a fun drive from Milwaukie to Newberg. Expect some[Read More…]
OR: CSCC March Rally
Cascade Sports Car Club’s Road Rally program (aka Cascade Geargrinders) offers beginner-friendly time-speed-distance road rallies, lasting three to four hours, starting and ending in the Portland area. These events are open to everyone – club members and non-members, all types of vehicles. Road rally is a game you play while going[Read More…]
OR: CSCC 58th Mountains to the Sea Rally
Cascade Sports Car Club’s 58th Mountains to the Sea Road Rally offers an easy-to-follow scenic drive on paved, less-traveled roads starting in northwest Portland and ending at Rockaway Beach. Entry requires a street-legal vehicle, a licensed and insured driver, a navigator, and a smart device (e.g., cell phone or tablet) running[Read More…]
OR: CSCC Rally School and Road Rally
The Annual Cascade Sports Car Club Road Rally School and Rally. The Cascade Sports Car Club (CSCC) Road Rally School will be a Zoom Class on Friday evening, February 17th. The school will review the Generals for the February 18th Road Rally and allow teams to ask their rally questions;[Read More…]
OR: CSCC May Rally
Cascade Sports Car Club’s Road Rally program (aka Cascade Geargrinders) offers beginner-friendly time-speed-distance road rallies, lasting three to four hours, starting and ending in the Portland area. These events are open to everyone – club members and non-members and all types of vehicles. Road rally is a game you play while[Read More…]