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Tag: Tour
Arizona Border Rally Weekend
by David Head, Navigator for Road Rally eNews March 2018 Described by one competitor as the toughest Course Rally on the SCCA National Course Rally Championship, the Desert Sands was contested by nine rally teams on Saturday, March 3, 2018. The weather was fabulous with temperatures in the 70’s, sunny skies,[Read More…]
National Events Committee Update – March 2018
I’ve covered the role of the National Events Committee several times, yet have never taken time to introduce the members (that’s ‘cuz I never thought of it until Peter Schneider gathered bios of RRB members). So, it’s time to meet the SCCA’s NEC! This viagra 25 mg is the main[Read More…]
BC: Alcan5000 Summer Rally
Kirkland to Fairbanks via the Blackwater, Cassiar, Klondike, Top of the World, Richardson, and Denali Highways. Options include Telegraph Creek plus the North Canol, Dempster, Edgerton, and Dalton Highways. A competitive adventure that rewards experience, good judgment, consistency, reliability, and resourcefulness. A level playing field where private & factory teams compete on[Read More…]
PA: Steel Cities Steel Haul National Course & Laurel Run Tour Rally
SCCA Kansas City and Kansas Regions host the “Rubber Meets the Road” TSD Rally
Kansas City Region and Kansas Region SCCA are hosting the Rubber Meets the Road Time-Speed-Distance Road Rally starting at the Brass Rail Sports Bar, 4940 NE 81st St, Kansas City, MO on March 3rd, 2018. Organizers will be on site by 8:00am and registration will open at 9:00am. This particular[Read More…]
MI: Keweenaw Winter Rallye
The SCCA Lake Superior Region has joined up with the Arrowhead Sports Car Club to host the Keweenaw Winter Rally. Registration: 11 am – 12:30 pm Rally Route: Approx. 250 miles that will take you around Baraga, Houghton, and Keweenaw counties. All the roads are good county roads that should[Read More…]
NJ: March Lamb National Tour Rally
It is said that ‘March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb.’ The SCCA South Jersey Region kicks off the weekend with the March Lion, a National Course Rally. Sunday will be the March Lamb, a National Tour Rally. Both events will have Equipped, Limited and Stock Classes and Sunday’s Lamb will[Read More…]
CA: Drive Toward a Cure — California Adventure
The third Drive Toward a Cure event is set to raise the bar as the non-profit charitable organization opens registration for its third multi-day luxury drive. After raising more than $50,000 for Parkinson’s Disease research and patient care during the 2017 calendar year, the program returns to California in the[Read More…]
WI: MG Fall Colour Tour
Join us on the Fall Colour Tour of the season. Travel on some of Wisconsin’s most beautiful country roads with rolling hills, spectacular bluffs, scenic rivers, and picturesque countryside. All roads will be paved and are guaranteed to be full of twists and turns. Saturday morning, meet at the Family[Read More…]