Drawing both San Diego road ralliers as well as visitors from the northern counties, the San Diego SCCA Avocados, Vines and County Lines was a great way to kick off Valentine’s weekend with our February 12th event. With a total of 32 vehicles for this first rally of 2022, ralliers[Read More…]
Tag: Tour
SCCA Quarterly Zoom Get-Together – April 21st
Continuing our series of Quarterly Zoom Get-Togethers which successfully launched last year, the SCCA RoadRally Board announces that the next session will take place on Thursday, April 21, 2022 from 7:00-9:00 PM CDT, and will address these two topics: Introduction to Treks, presented by Peter Schneider. Regional Executives from all[Read More…]
NY: Hollows, Hills & Gulches Road Rally
So. Much. Snow. We’re used to snow in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Sometimes there is fluffy snow and sometimes slushy “warm” snow. We get wet snowman-making snow and even sharp, shiny, painful snow courtesy of sub-zero temperatures. Upstate NY is perfectly willing and able to host any[Read More…]
Richta Walking Rally – What’s that you say?
There is the plan, and then there is what happens! While working with Jerry White, an SCCA Texas Region member, on his article for the Sweetheart Ride Road Rally, I shared that I had not yet completed my road rally with the Checkpoint – Richta GPS app. He joked and said[Read More…]
OR: Ghoul’s Gambol – The Phantom Returns
Ghouls Gambol Rally, celebrating its 56th anniversary, will run on Saturday, October 29. Rallymasters Monte and Victoria Saager are planning a ghoulish affair. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll howl at the moon. Well, maybe not that last part since it will be daylight. Cascade Sports Car Club proudly presents the[Read More…]
MO: Gateway National RoadRally Weekend
After a two year absence, the SCCA St Louis Region is back on the National RoadRally scene. The Region’s 2022 Gateway National RoadRally Weekend will offer Regional and National teams three distinct Championship road rallies: the Tulips by Night Divisional Tour Rally Sept. 2, the Kaskaskia Trails National Tour Rally[Read More…]
MD: Get the Dust Off Rallye XXXIII
The 33rd Annual Get the Dust-Off Rallye will be held on Sunday, May 1st, 2022, and is co-hosted by the SCCA Washington DC Region and MG’s of Baltimore! It will start and finish at Dejon Vineyards! This will be a straightforward Time-Speed-Distance Monte Carlo-style rally of approximately 60 competitive miles,[Read More…]
IN: A May Day Rally
Spend Sunday afternoon, May 15th, with the Southern Indiana Region, navigating the Evansville, Indiana, road system. The A Mayday Road Rally will be the 3rd Rally in SIR’s Summer Series. Registered rally entrants will begin assembling at 12:00 PM in the Penn Station Subs, in the strip mall between Walgreens and[Read More…]
IN: Seek the Right Opp Rally
The Southern Indiana Region kicks off their summer with Rally #1 – Seek the Right Opportunityon Sunday, March 13th. Entry fees:• $32 for SCCA members team where the Driver is an SCCA member.• $43 for a non-SCCA member’s team where the Driver is not an SCCA member.Please do not register[Read More…]
SCCA Women on Track Initiative “RoadRally 2022” Announced at SCCA Convention
SCCA Women on Track (WoT), a part of the SCCA Foundation, announced their latest Women on Track Initiative to expand participation of women in all facets of SCCA programs as participants, volunteers, leaders, or supporters, during the SCCA National Convention. With the full support of the SCCA RoadRally Board, the SCCA WoT[Read More…]