Please join the Washington DC Region, SCCA, for our 2024 Spring GTA Rally, Tidewater Tango! This event was moved to a new date of Saturday, July 27th. Get ready to rev your engines and embark on an unforgettable adventure through the picturesque Tidewater region of Virginia! Join us on Saturday,[Read More…]
MA: Cape Cod Courageous Old Timer Road Rally
Excluding 2021, the Cape Cod Courageous Old Timer Road Rally is traditionally held at the start of April for the SCCA New England Region. Adding to the challenge of locating the answers to 17 questions, the weather on Cape Cod at this time of the year often adds an additional[Read More…]
There’s (Yet Another) App for That!
Greetings from the Richta home office in Larryville, Kansas I’d like to share with you the results of a project my son David and I recently undertook. This story starts in January 2020… I was at the SCCA National Convention, where there was more than a little discussion about the Richta GPS Checkpoints system launched in[Read More…]
SCCA’s Hall of Fame Needs YOU!
RoadRally Community Sought for Nominations to the HoF Committee We are pleased to run this personal plea from Howard Duncan, a friend of RReNews and former SCCA National Staff. We first ran this in 2014, and only a few minor amendments have been needed each year. Hi Folks, The time[Read More…]
Nominate Someone for SCCA’s Hall of Fame Class of 2025
The Sports Car Club of America® has tens of thousands of members deeply passionate about motorsports, with the SCCA Hall of Fame celebrating that drive. Now, it’s your turn to nominate someone for the very special honor of joining SCCA’s Hall of Fame as part of the class of 2025.[Read More…]
IN: Dogwood Daze II Tour Rally
Dogwood Daze II is a time speed distance rally designed specifically for beginners but fun for non-beginners too. This Tour-style rally uses the Competitor – Richta GPS Competitor App for timing. No tricky route instructions – just follow the instructions given to you. At each restart point you will re-zero your[Read More…]
NJ: Sand Mines Road Rally
The South Jersey Region of the Sports Car Club of America cordially invites you to join our fellow car enthusiasts for our South Jersey Sand Mines Road Rally. The rally starts at Ciocca Corvette in Atlantic City, NJ, on May 4, 2024, with a check-in time of 9:00 AM. The rally[Read More…]
NY: Green Grand Prix TSD RoadRally
WATKINS GLEN, NY – The Toyota Green Grand Prix, a showcase of motoring technology that aims for a cleaner environment. The single-day event will feature a fuel-efficiency competition for pre-registereddrivers of alternate-fueled vehicles, hybrids, and traditional gasoline-powered and diesel-powered vehicles. Individuals, colleges and universities, car clubs, and manufacturers are allinvited[Read More…]
FL: May the 4th Be With You Road Rally
We are excited to announce our latest road rally event for the greater Jacksonville area with a Star Wars theme! Each car will drive on paved public roads using a set of predefined route instructions through various checkpoints using the Competitor – Richta GPS Checkpoints app. Participants will be scored based[Read More…]
CT: Hurdle 2024 Regional GTA Road Rally
Hurdle 2024 is a Game-Tour-Adventure (GTA) Road Rally. After a short odometer check, contestants will receive a map of Connecticut and a list of questions. The objective is to answer as many questions as possible in the least amount of miles. (Think scavenger hunt.) Hurdle 2024 is sanctioned by the SCCA,[Read More…]