WI: Gr8 Purple Cow RoadRally
DRAFT: SCCA RoadRally Co-Hosting Guidelines
From the SCCA RoadRally Board — In order to encourage the development of new RoadRallies and the expansion of events into Regions that have limited resources and staffing, at the request of an SCCA member the RoadRally Board has developed guidelines for Co-Hosting events. Co-Hosting events are not new, several Regions[Read More…]
CT: Hurdle 2020 RoadRally
COVID-19 Update from the SCCA President
UPDATE March 24th, 430P CTZ from www.scca.com Concurrently, Region Leaders are working diligently to follow local governance with regard to any updates/restrictions on gatherings and take appropriate action as needed for Regional events. It has been an extraordinary few weeks as our world faces historic challenges with the growing COVID-19[Read More…]
Road Rally School Canceled
DETROIT REGION, SCCA — Due to the threat posed to gatherings of people by the highly contagious and rapidly spreading COVID-19 virus this year’s TSD Road Rally School, scheduled for Saturday, March 21, has been canceled. While this was a very disappointing decision to make, the rally school involves the gathering[Read More…]
COVID-19 Update from the SCCA President
UPDATE March 13th, 620P CTZ Based on the latest updates regarding COVID-19, the current environment regarding public events and President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency today, the SCCA is suspending the following events across the remainder of March: SCCA Track Night in America March 19, Carolina Motorsports Park March[Read More…]
UPDATED – SCCA Coronavirus Statement
This update was received, Thursday, March 12, 5PM. Sports Car Club of America® leadership continues to monitor developments around COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. While many spectator-based events around the U.S. have been postponed, SCCA’s participant-based activities are different. As such, SCCA’s leadership will not reschedule or cancel any events[Read More…]
SCCA Coronavirus Statement
SCCA leaders and officials are actively monitoring the situation with regard to the COVID-19 virus, better known as the Coronavirus. At this point in time, we do not foresee any disruptions to the SCCA National event schedule across March timeframe, and local SCCA Regions are actively monitoring and managing any[Read More…]
Policy Announced: SCCA Brand Usage in Social Media
For some time, social media has played an integral role in reaching out to, communicating with, growing and retaining Members. As it is a way to give automotive and motorsports enthusiasts direct interaction with the SCCA, its events, partners and sponsors it is essential to have a policy in place to set and maintain standards.