Please join us for our annual Fall Fling Road Rally, hosted by the Finger Lakes Region SCCA. This Time / Speed / Distance (TSD) rally will serve as a great introduction to the sport, as well as provide veteran rallyists a chance to dust off their skills in advance of[Read More…]
Robert V. Ridges Award 2022 Recipient Requests
The SCCA RoadRally Board seeks recommendations for potential recipients for the Robert V. Ridges Award for 2022. Please send any name(s), along with justification for consideration, before midnight, November 29, 2022, directly to the RRB via email: To aid in your understanding of the gentleman whose name the Award[Read More…]
SCCA to Honor Members during Women’s History Month in March 2023
SCCA Women on Track (WoT), a part of the SCCA Foundation, honored a woman in our SCCA ranks from across our RoadRally, Solo, RallyCross, Racing-Club and Pro, and Track events – be they Navigators, Drivers, Administrators, Competitors, Crew or Enthusiasts each day of March 2022! The SCCA WoT is preparing[Read More…]
Thunder Road National Tour Rally
Thunder Road 2022 was a Monte Carlo-style Tour with Car Zero Times and Official Mileage at over 58 Checkpoints, with five On-Course Controls and 14 Restarts. It was run on Saturday, October 15th, sanctioned by the SCCA CalClub Region. It was also the first National Rally event from the Into[Read More…]
Ghost Tracks National GTA Goes Video Game?
Video Replay of your chosen route on Ghost Tracks As the Rallymaster, watching the various routes teams chose was fun. Click on the icon in the upper right and pick your car number by clicking on its icon to follow your adventure. The speed can be controlled in the lower[Read More…]
Next SCCA RoadRally Zoom Get-Together Scheduled for Dec 15; Topics Now Established!
We can’t stress enough the importance for all SCCA Realists to attend the December Quarterly Zoom! 2023 Changes to be Addressed, Lester on Official Results Form and Intro to MiRally App
CA: SCCA Cal Club First Friday Niter Social RoadRally
The December First Friday Niter, sanctioned by SCCA Cal Club, Santa Monica Chapter, is being written by Rallymaster Joanna Weissen. As is her December tradition, the rally will highlight Christmas lights and decorations. We are using the Richta GPS Competitor app for timing and scoring, with timing to the tenth of a second.[Read More…]
IN: Holiday Shopping Shuffle GTA Road Rally
Our mission, on the Holiday Shopping Shuffle GTA Road Rally, is to gather food for a holiday meal and be back at the time that the Rallymaster says we should be back. The catch is that each item must come from a different town. To make it a little easier,[Read More…]
CA: SCCA Cal Club First Friday Niter Social RoadRally
On March 3, 2023, grab your favorite musketeer and join the Santa Monica Sports Car Club and guest Rallymaster Joe Batwinis for the 3rd First Friday Niter of the year. There will be three legs with three stages per leg on this Tour rally of the Sierra Pelona Ridge. There[Read More…]
CA: SCCA Cal Club First Friday Niter Social RoadRally
It’s February, which means Jeanne English will be the Rallymaster and celebrating her birthday! The rally will travel some of the Santa Clarita area canyon roads, with the emphasis on fun driving. There are NO TRAPS on this month’s rally, so be prepared to stay on time! The rally finishes[Read More…]