The SCCA Milwaukee Region presents the Roads Scamper National Tour RoadRally, on Sunday, June 6, 2021. Join your fellow RoadRally enthusiasts for this 180-mile time-speed-distance National Tour RoadRally in the beautiful Wisconsin countryside. You and your rally partner will enjoy a scenic rally adventure through the marvelous country roads north of Madison, Wisconsin. This rally will use the Richta[Read More…]
WI: Roads Scholar National Course Rally
The SCCA Milwaukee Region presents the Roads Scholar National Course RoadRally, on Saturday, June 5, 2021. Join your fellow RoadRally enthusiasts for this 180-mile time-speed-distance National Course RoadRally in the beautiful Wisconsin countryside. You and your rally partner will enjoy a scenic rally adventure through the marvelous country roads west of Madison, Wisconsin. You’ll be tested[Read More…]
NY: Doris Bovee Memorial Road Rally
WATKINS GLEN, NY – The Toyota Green Grand Prix, a showcase of motoring technology that aims for a cleaner environment, is returning to the famed Watkins Glen International race course on Thursday, October 22nd, 2020. The single-day event will feature a fuel-efficiency competition for pre-registered drivers of alternate-fueled vehicles, hybrids[Read More…]
WI: Kettle Moraine Colors Road Rallye
Join your fellow car enthusiasts for this five hour, 110-mile time-speed-distance road rally. You and a partner (Driver and Navigator) will be issued a set of Route Instructions that will take you on a scenic journey through the marvelous country roads in the southern Kettle Moraine Forest area of Wisconsin. The Kettle[Read More…]
NY: Slip Sliding Away RoadRally
The next event in the Finger Lakes Region’s Winter Rally Series, will be Rick Barnes and the Slip Sliding Away Rally.
WI: Badger Coulees National Tour RoadRally
This is currently a ‘save the date’ until we receive news from the Rallymaster Fred Rosevear. Yet the date is solid, so stay tuned for Registration information…
WI: OKTOBERALLY National Course Rally
This is currently a ‘save the date’ until we receive news from the Rallymaster Mike Thompson. Yet the date is solid, so stay tuned to for Registration information…
NY: Hollows, Hills and Gulches RoadRally 2022
It is once again time to enjoy the winter roads of the Southern Tier with the SCCA Finger Lakes Region’s 2022 Winter Rally Series. The fourth rally of the Series consists of approximately 165 competitive miles using mostly unpaved roads in New York’s Southern Tier. Lloyd Murray is the Rallymaster[Read More…]
TX: Sweetheart Ride RoadRally
The Texas Region of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) invites you to join us at Logan’s Roadhouse for Jerry White’s annual Valentine’s Day-themed road rally. It will be about a 90-mile drive on some of the scenic hard surfaced country roads in the Brazos River Valley in Parker, Hood, and[Read More…]
TX: Back-to-Basics RoadRally Series #2 – Signs and Landmarks
This “Back-to-Basics” series will consist of four events of progressive challenge levels staged over several months. These will be SCCA GTA (Games, Tours, Adventures) Social Rallies, about 45-60 miles and 2 ½ – 3 hours long. We will score them and present awards to the most successful. The objective is to conduct events in accordance with the SCCA RoadRally Rules, starting with simple rules and instructions. Then each succeeding rally will introduce more advanced topics.