It is a Friday. It is the First One of the month. You know what that means! Adventure out on the highways and byways in Southern California!
PA: Heck’s and Back GTA Rally
Bruce Gezon and Clyde Heckler Rallymastered a question-and-answer GTA rally for the SCCA Philadelphia Region on July 23rd. Bob Morseburg served as the RoadRally Safety Steward. The rally ran in the Kutztown, PA, and Berks County area with a “hex sign” theme. The area is known to have many farms[Read More…]
CA: It’s a Pie Run Road Rally
Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie, who is ready to rally far and wide?
RoadRally Rules and Trek Rules – Request for Comment Sought by RRB
The SCCA RoadRally Board thanks all members who proposed changes to the RoadRally Rules or to the Trek Rules for 2024. The RoadRally Board, the National Events Committee, and the RoadRally Regional Development Committee have reviewed and discussed these proposals and selected some for which we believe comments from the[Read More…]
IN: Putnam Purple Cow Precision RoadRally ReCap
The Putnam Purple Cow Precision RoadRally was designed to encourage those on the trackside of Indy Region-sanctioned events to get behind the wheel for a RoadRally. The Putnam Park Roadcourse, Greencastle, IN, was home for the Indianapolis Region’s SCCA Time Trial/Track event on July 1-2, 2023. The rally was open to run anytime over the[Read More…]
CA: San Diego SCCA – Backcountry Bliss Rally
Summer was truly in gear for the Backcountry Bliss Rally hosted by the San Diego SCCA on Saturday, July 15, in El Cajon, CA. You know you’re in for a toasty rally when people are sweating during the driver’s meeting! Our knowledgeable expert teams helped our first-timer and novice categories with some of the[Read More…]
Remembering Erin Kelly: NER’s Tragic Loss
July 2023 has been a tough month for SCCA members. Within days of each other, two SCCA members passed away during a ProSolo event in Packwood, WA, and NER lost its own Erin Kelly to a tragic accident at the New England Forest Rally. While her co-driver, TJ Pullen recovers from his own injuries, our Region[Read More…]
CA: First Friday Night goes on a Monte Carlo Tour
Some things in the universe are constant. The sun rises and sets. The moon goes through its magical phases. The tides rise and fall. The big wheel and the little wheel turn in their synchronous dance. And, for the last 70 years or so, at 7 pm on the First[Read More…]
RRDC Seeking Members to Help Develop and Grow RoadRally in our SCCA Regions
A RoadRally Regional Development Committee (RRDC) shall be appointed by the RRB to coordinate and administer the SCCA RoadRally Regional program. The RRDC is a sub-committee of the RRB and reports to the RRB. That is the official statement where the words stop, and the work begins for the RRDC. Starting from scratch in[Read More…]
AL: Alabama Bulldog Bend Road Rally
“Our first TSD rally will be the Alabama Bulldog Bend Road Rally on Saturday, October 7, 2023!” Rallymaster Jim Farris continued, “We’re excited, I’ll send a logo/graphic once it is completed, plus some registration details.” You’re excited, and the RReNews Clan is delighted to see you continuing your SCCA Alabama[Read More…]