The Mike Drop by Mike Bennett, RRB Chair

Greetings from the RoadRally Board, and welcome to the fourth edition of The Mike Drop. Hard to believe, but we are well into the Summer portion of our schedule, and Fall events are not far away! The RRB has been looking at a new proposal from SCCA National Staff to[Read More…]

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The Mike Drop by Mike Bennett, RRB Chair

Hello from the RoadRally Board (RRB), and welcome to the first edition of The Mike Drop! As you are likely aware, a LOT is happening in the SCCA RoadRally program this year. The Planning Calendar is overflowing with National, Divisional, Regional, Social, Charity, and Trek events, so grab a friend[Read More…]

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RoadRally Road Map Makes its Debut

Within SCCA RoadRally programs, committees follow common paths as they begin, manage, or re-energize their programs. The RRDC is not intending to tell Regions with existing programs they must do something this way or that, yet there are standard practices many Regions follow. Therein, the RRDC hopes the RRM contributes new ideas as a Region progresses with its RoadRally program.

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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