Tag: Indianapolis Region
IN: Good Times! Regional Tour RoadRally
Good Times! This RoadRally is sanctioned by the SCCA Indianapolis Region as a regional time/speed/distance tour RoadRally that includes a cookout at the end of the route. We use the Competitor – Richta GPS App for timing. You follow the instructions (no tricky ones), drive the correct speed, try to[Read More…]
IN: Dogwood Daze II Tour Rally
Dogwood Daze II is a time speed distance rally designed specifically for beginners but fun for non-beginners too. This Tour-style rally uses the Competitor – Richta GPS Competitor App for timing. No tricky route instructions – just follow the instructions given to you. At each restart point you will re-zero your[Read More…]
A Halloween RoadRally Story
Indianapolis Region of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) hosts a Halloween event every October. Participants get a map of sites in the area and questions to answer based on items found at those sites. In addition to the many cemeteries on the list, there are decorated houses and old school buildings[Read More…]
IN: Putnam Purple Cow Precision RoadRally ReCap
The Putnam Purple Cow Precision RoadRally was designed to encourage those on the trackside of Indy Region-sanctioned events to get behind the wheel for a RoadRally. The Putnam Park Roadcourse, Greencastle, IN, was home for the Indianapolis Region’s SCCA Time Trial/Track event on July 1-2, 2023. The rally was open to run anytime over the[Read More…]
IN: Putnam Purple Cow Precision RoadRally
Putnam Purple Cow Precision is a Tour RoadRally designed to be run by individuals attending the SCCA Time Trial event at Putnam Park Road Course the weekend of July 1-2, 2023. While the goal on track is to go fast, the goal of a RoadRally is to drive with precision[Read More…]
IN: Indianapolis Region Dogwood Daze Tour RoadRally (and the Freedom of Running Seat of the Pants on a GPS Checkpoint Tour Rally)
I’ve been busy with RoadRally stuff lately but have yet to have the chance actually to compete in a rally for over a year. So, when Rallymaster Chuck Hanson said that Sam Crites would Safety Check the Indy Region Dogwood Daze Tour Rally so that I could run the event,[Read More…]
IN: Dogwood Daze Tour Rally
The Dogwood Daze Road Rally, sanctioned by the SCCA Indianapolis Region, is a time speed distance rally designed specifically for beginners, but fun for non-beginners as well. This is a Tour-style rally that uses the Richta GPS Competitor App for timing. No tricky route instructions — just follow the instructions given[Read More…]
IN: Holiday Shopping Shuffle GTA Road Rally
Our mission, on the Holiday Shopping Shuffle GTA Road Rally, is to gather food for a holiday meal and be back at the time that the Rallymaster says we should be back. The catch is that each item must come from a different town. To make it a little easier,[Read More…]
SCCA Great Lakes Division Road Rally News
The 2021 SCCA Great Lakes Division Rally Championship standings following the season-ending Lake Erie Covered Bridges Rally are below. Please address any questions about errors or omissions in these standings to Greg Lester or Piotr Rozsczenko. For those unfamiliar with the GLD Championship points award scheme: Points are awarded based on a[Read More…]