Building a Road Rally Program, History, Road Rally News, Smuncher's Attic

Smuncher’s Attic – Heart of Dixie Philosophy

From RReNews — The Heart of Dixie Rally Philosphy, provided by Bruce Gezon from his Smuncher’s Attic rally collection, leads off with this statement, “In the Spring of 1970, several adventuresome members of the Tennessee Valley Region cast the variable main road rule upon the rally community in a Heart of Dixie Divisional.”

While, at times, the ’70s don’t seem that long ago to many of us, fifty years later, the skill of a worthy Rallymaster can present an event using variable MRRs and still have an enjoyable (albeit challenging) event. We’ve put in this well-written “philosophy” for rallyists to know what they were getting into by entering the HOD and as a compliment to the last edition of the Armchair Rallies by GaryStarr, which features the 1978 Heart of Dixie. We hope you will print it out, try navigating the route, email Gary, and share your experience of going through the Route Instructions.

Be sure you read what seven characteristics a rallyist could be expected to find at a HOD Rally in the piece above. Something tells me Chris Bean, Steve Gaddy, Satish Gopalkrishnan, Jeanne English, Clyde Heckler, Savera D’Souza, Jim Wakemen, Sr, Karl Broberg, and Bruce Gezon would enjoy more of these or the chance to return in time!

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