2024 CSCC Saturday Rally Series

Cascade Sports Car Club’s Road Rally program (aka Cascade Geargrinders) offers beginner-friendly time-speed-distance road rallies, lasting three to four hours, starting and ending in the Portland area. Road rally is a game you play while going for a drive in the country. Play the game that takes you places. Season Flyer

These events are conducted in accordance with Cascade Sports Car Club’s Road Rally Rules.

Online registration is required. Day-of-event on-site registration is not available.

All communication about the rally occurs via email. Please watch for emails and respond as soon as possible.

After completing online registration by the Wednesday midnight deadline, you will receive instructions on completing the virtual check-in on Thursday. Register your assigned car number in the Competitor – Richta GPS Checkpoints app, e-sign the required event insurance waivers, and confirm your team’s registration information.

After you complete these check-in steps, you will receive the route instructions on Friday. You’ll need to print them, and we encourage you to attend the Friday 7 PM Zoom Q&A meeting; take advantage of the Q&A meeting to ask questions.

On Saturday morning, leave the start by your assigned out time. Follow the route instructions to the end. Soon after all teams finish the rally, winners will be announced, and prizes will be awarded at the ending location. Results will be emailed on Saturday evening or Sunday.

Comments are closed.

Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

S Sun

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

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