History, Road Rally News, SCCA National News

SCCA’s Hall of Fame Needs YOU!

RoadRally Community Sought for Nominations to the HoF Committee

We are pleased to run this personal plea from Howard Duncan, a friend of RReNews and former SCCA National Staff. We first ran this in 2014, and only a few minor amendments have been needed each year.

Hi Folks,

The time is here for SCCA members to begin submitting nominations for fellow members to be inducted into the SCCA National Hall of Fame for their impactful contributions to the development of the SCCA. Some of you may ask what the SCCA Hall of Fame is, why this is important to me or my sport of Road Rally, and how can I have any role in this.

The What – The “what” can be answered by visiting the SCCA website to read about the purpose, process, and past Inductees in the Hall of Fame: SCCA Hall of Fame Inductees.

The Why – The “why” can be partially answered by reviewing the list of Inductees, as a number of folks come from the SCCA Rally Community – Handley, Gervais, Henderson, Gezon, and Zitkus, to name a few. As a foundational element of SCCA from the beginning of the Club to now, recognizing and acknowledging those from the Community who were key in shaping the SCCA is a crucial way to ensure the continuation of the sport by reminding everyone of the role Rally and its most devout advocates have played in the development of our Club. While the list of Rally members in the Hall of Fame is impressive, it is by no means complete, so that is where the collective memory of the Rally Community comes into play.

The How – Members submit nominations; sometimes, there is the belief that “they” handle this and make the final decisions on the Inductees. I am not exactly sure who comes to mind when referring to “them” or “they,” but the process that leads to the Induction of SCCA members into the Hall of Fame begins and ends with your fellow members and You. This is the “how” you can have a role in the process. 

Members submit those nominations, and the Legacy, Nomination and Selection Committees, made up of SCCA Members, whittle those initial nominations (and all prior submissions) down to the final Inductees for that year. While the National Office has a small role in this process, it is insignificant compared to the role that the membership has in deciding which SCCA members are inducted. Therefore, I would implore each of you to stroll through your Rally memories and think of those members who have had a significant impact on the sport and the Club through long-term service of note, the development and implementation of an important concept/program, outstanding competition accomplishments that brought some notoriety to the Club, or some combination of these. Not only will you enjoy the trip down memory lane, but you may also be able to play a part in the SCCA National Hall of Fame, recognizing the place Rally has in our Club’s heritage.

The Committes look forward to seeing your Road Rally submissions by June 15th.

Thanks for being involved in this important Club project. You may make your submissions online or via the mail. Click here for more details!


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