RoadRally Standings, SCCA RRB Checkpoint Chat, There's an APP for That!

SCCA Virtual Convention GPS App Session

This coming Monday evening, Rich Bireta will be presenting two sessions at the virtual SCCA Convention that describes how his GPS Checkpoint app system works. Whether you’re a Rallymaster who is curious about this system, a Rallymaster who has used it and would like to understand its full capabilities, or a competitor who would like to know how it works, these two sessions will be invaluable to you. The SCCA Convention is open to all SCCA members and is free of charge. You can watch these sessions as a Zoom meeting on your computer from the comfort of your home.  

The first session starts at 7 PM Central Time Monday, February 8th, and introduces the basics of the Richta GPS Checkpoint app. The second session begins immediately afterward at 8 PM and discusses advanced topics and best practices of this system.

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You can join the Convention with your SCCA member number at this link

In past years you would have traveled to Las Vegas to attend the Convention and participate in these sessions. This year you can join in from your home for free. I highly recommend that you take advantage of this unusual opportunity to learn about the app revolutionizing rallies across America.

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