RoadRally Standings

SCCA Texas Region Celebrates the Ninth Running of the DFW Shortest Distance Map Rally

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The object of this Regional GTA rally, held on August 28th, was to visit many interesting locations in Wise County, Texas, by the shortest route possible. With this year’s theme, locations to be visited were all small-town or rural cemeteries. Hence the tag line, “Make wise choices or face grave consequences!” We gave contestants a map with 15 marked waypoints, allowed them 30 minutes (with no electronic aids) to determine their optimal route, and then they set out to visit each location. Medals (this being the year of the Olympics) were awarded to the lowest (odo-calibrated) mileages in each entrant class.

Wise Co. chickens — not crossing the road

This year for the first time, we used the Competitor – Richta GPS Checkpoints app to verify that cars reached each waypoint, instead of the usual approach of requiring an answer to a simple (but non-Google-able) question at each place. Rallymaster John Poulos set On-Course Checkpoints at each cemetery, and with a couple of minor challenges due to CP coordinate placement, it all worked to perfection. Perhaps a first application of the Richta app for this type of rally?

A 30-mile odometer calibration check – prior to the Rally itself – started at The Horny Toad Café in Denton, Texas, ending at Catfish O’Harlies in Decatur, which was the start and endpoint for the Rally.

While scouting out the area, the Rallymaster traveled on scenic country roads, particularly in the LBJ National Grasslands. He encountered deer and other wildlife, as well as a flock of chickens, who stood their ground, refusing to let him by without some gentle bumper coaxing. 

The Shortest Route (or is it?)

Fifteen cars started and completed the Rally: five First Timers, one in Novice Class, and nine in General Class. Post-Rally analysis revealed that while two teams traveled the same sequence, every other car followed a different sequence of waypoints, which is unusual for these rallies.

Of the two that selected the same sequence, one turned in the overall shortest distance of 99.7 miles, while the other team came in at 109.6 miles! Evidence that at least as important as selecting the best route, your team must successfully navigate it, with no missed turns and back-tracks, and a healthy skepticism of what your car or phone GPS says is the shortest path from one waypoint to the next one.

Socially distanced socializing ensued post-rally, and results and awards were distributed at Catfish O’Harlies. Congratulations to the winners!

The First Timer team of Amy and Trent Landreth and their son Hampton took home First Place honors in the First Timer Class and First Place Overall with 99.7 points.

Kevin Garpne and his daughter Maddie Garpne took First Place in General Class and Second Place Overall, with 101.3 points.

Rich Hempel and Frank Sigmund were First in the Novice Class.

This year the team of Rich Hempel and Frank Sigmund earned the “Long and Winding Road” Award, for enjoying the most Wise Co. roads, covering 115.5 miles. A few more, and they’d qualify for honorary residents of the County.

All in all, a fun and successful Rally Day, as we look forward to the 10th anniversary of this event in 2022! Thanks to John and Phyliss Camp and Danny Bullard for their hard work, helping make this possible.

What ralliers said…

“Thanks much for running such a well-run event. Look forward to the next event.”

“It’s our favorite rally, plus we get cemeteries as a bonus (we do genealogy too, so cemeteries are our thing!).”

“Thank you so much for putting this together! I know they are a lot of work!!  Our family very much appreciates the efforts y’all put into them.”

John Poulos – RallyMaster, Rally Chair, and SCCA Texas Region ARE for RoadRally

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