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SCCA Texas Region Celebrates Sasha Lanz with a Benefit for Scottish Rite for Children

The Texas Region closed out its 2021 Rally season, supporting a good cause while honoring Sasha Lanz! Eighteen cars and 33 participants – including Betty Lanz – set out on our first Texas Region Trek event on scenic country roads in Denton County, Texas. 

A bit of history: Sasha Lanz, with valuable assistance from his wife Betty, was instrumental in building a successful RoadRally program in the SCCA Texas Region and leading it for many years. Sadly, Sasha passed away earlier this year. One of his favorite events was the Children’s Book Run, a GTA rally benefiting Scottish Rite for Children. Rallyists donate two children’s books, gathered at check-in on Rally Day. In the five years that we held the rally, teams have donated hundreds of books to Scottish Rite! We hope to keep this tradition alive and conduct a Children’s Book Run in Sasha’s name every year.   

On this warm Sunday afternoon, December 5th, the 66-mile, 2-hour long trek passed through beautiful horse country in Aubrey, Texas, and by several event venues, including LizzyGator, known for its crooked chapel. We made a brief stop in Pilot Point, the site of an old bank building used to film the famous bank robbery scene in the 1968 movie Bonnie and Clyde.

The trek ended at the Horny Toad Café & Bar in Denton, where we all gathered to eat, drink and share anecdotes. A local Jeep club was also in attendance that afternoon, but we defended our territory and upheld the SCCA name. A great day for all! And, thanks to the generosity of our entrants, we collected 100 children’s books, which we delivered to Scottish Rite the following day! 

John Poulos – RallyMaster, Rally Chair, and SCCA Texas Region ARE for RoadRally

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