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SCCA RRB Closes Out 2021 and Readies to Rally in 2022

The RoadRally Board (RRB) will say goodbye to two long-time members and welcome two new ones as 2022 arrives. Clyde Heckler, New England Region, has reached his term limit, and Peter Schneider, Northern New Jersey Region, was elected to the SCCA National Board of Directors to serve Area 1. James Hayslip from Finger Lakes Region and Carl Staab from Steel Cities Region join the RRB. Both are involved in active programs, and both hold RoadRally Safety Steward (RRSS) licenses. Mike Bennett, Detroit Region, continues as Chair, and Wendy Harrison, Indianapolis Region and Larry Scholnick, CalClub’s Santa Monica Sports Car Club Chapter, continue as RRB members. Larry will be the RRB Liaison with the National Events Committee (NEC), and Wendy will be the RRB Liaison with the RoadRally Regional Development Committee (RRDC).

Satish Gopalkrishnan, Northern New Jersey Region, has stepped forward to serve on the NEC, filling the term of J Toney, who passed away this June. Satish is an experienced National level competitor and also holds an RRSS license. Jim Wakemen, South Jersey Region, and Mike Thompson, Land ‘o Lakes Region, continue as the NEC Co-Chairs, with members Chuck Larouere, Steel Cities Region, and Richard Wetzel, San Francisco Region, rounding out the 2022 NEC.

The RRDC also says goodbye to Peter Schneider. John Poulos, Texas Region, will serve as Chair in 2022. He and Cheryl Babbe, Arctic Alaska Region, will be joined by members Ray Kriegbaum from Central Florida Region, James Bucci, a member of both Central Florida and Mohawk-Hudson Region, and Thomas Woodside from Detroit Region. Thank you to Rick Myers, National Staff, who served as the SCCA Liaison in 2021.

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As the SCCA National Office announced, the 2022 Convention will again use a virtual format. Unlike the 2021 event, however, the sessions will be condensed into nine days rather than spread over several weeks. Each SCCA program has a day when it is the focus of the Convention – for RoadRally that will be Friday 1/28/22. In total, RoadRally offerings will include a Program Direction meeting (on 1/22/22), a Town Hall (on 1/23/22), plus three topical sessions and “Office Hours,” which will be our wrap-up and final Q&A opportunity (all on 1/28/22). All RoadRally participants, organizers, and anyone interested in learning more about our program are encouraged to register for the Convention at the SCCA website. 

Six changes to the RoadRally Rules were proposed by the RRB and approved by the SCCA National Board of Directors. These will be available by weeks’ end.

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