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SCCA RoadRally Volunteer Opportunites – Service on Committees and Board in 2023

The SCCA RoadRally Board is announcing several opportunities for RoadRally community members to serve the program in 2023:

  • By joining the RoadRally Board (RRB)
  • The addition of one or two members is under consideration.
  • The RoadRally Rules define the duties as follows:
    • The RRB is responsible for providing enjoyable RoadRally competition, emphasizing safe, considerate use of the highways, precise directions, and fair competition.

In recent years, the RRB has been focused on efforts to modernize training for Safety Stewards, expand the use of GPS-based apps to reduce staffing required for events, streamline access to program-specific Rules and Documents, and work with the SCCA National Office to increase the visibility of, and participation in, the program.

  • By joining the RoadRally Regional Development Committee (RRDC)
  • The addition of one or two members is under consideration.
  • The RoadRally Rules define the duties as follows:
    • Appointed by the RRB for the purpose of coordinating and administering the promotion and expansion of the SCCA RoadRally Regional program. The RRDC is a sub-committee of the RRB and reports to the RRB.

In each case, the commitment is for one year, beginning on 1/01/23. Anyone interested in serving should send their contact information to: before midnight 11/29/22. Please be specific about which role you are interested in filling!

Comments are closed.

Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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