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SCCA RoadRally Volunteer Opportunites

The SportsCar Club of America RoadRally Board is announcing several opportunities for RoadRally community members to serve the program in 2022:

·         By joining the RoadRally Board. There will be two openings. 

·         By joining the National Events Committee. There will be one opening.

·         By joining the Regional Development Committee. There will be one opening.

In each case, the commitment is for one year, beginning on 1/01/22. Anyone interested should send their contact information to: by 11/01/21.

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So that you may better understand the needs for your service:

The RoadRally Board (RRB) is responsible for providing enjoyable RoadRally competition, emphasizing safe, considerate use of the highways, precise directions, and fair competition. The RRB shall monitor the execution of approved rules and standards for all SCCA sanctioned rallies, but particularly National Touring Rally (NTR), Divisional Touring Rally (DTR), National Course Rally (NCR), Divisional Course Rally (DCR), National GTA Rally (NGR), and Divisional GTA Rally (DGR) events. 

A RoadRally National Events Committee (NEC) shall be appointed by the RRB for the purpose of promoting, coordinating, and administering the SCCA National RoadRally Championship program, to serve as the liaison to the National level events, and to advise the RRB on proposed changes to the RRRs and the RFOs. The NEC is a sub-committee of the RRB and reports to the RRB. 

A RoadRally Regional Development Committee (RDC) shall be appointed by the RRB for the purpose of coordinating and administering the SCCA RoadRally Regional program. The RDC is a sub-committee of the RRB and reports to the RRB. 

Comments are closed.

Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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