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SCCA RoadRally Safety Steward Recertification in 2021

As reported in recent issues of RReNews, over the past several years the RoadRally Board has been making slow but steady progress toward modernizing the RoadRally Safety Steward (RRSS) program. This included creating an RRSS Application Process, updating the GTA/Gimmick and TSD/Time-Speed-Distance Safety Manuals and Safety Steward Checklists, and creating SCCA’s first RoadRally Safety Steward Knowledge Test. The purpose of the Knowledge Test is to make sure that each newly licensed RRSS has access to, and has the same understanding of, material needed to conduct a Safety Check on SCCA sanctioned RoadRally events. 

It was also determined that the RoadRally program was the only specialty in SCCA that did not have a recertification process for Safety Stewards. As part of an ongoing effort to strengthen safety-related aspects of RoadRally, the RoadRally Board recently voted to require recertification of all RRSS and RRSSI on a three-year cycle. 

Beginning in November 2017, each of the 260 licensed RRSS was contacted to determine who was still active in the sport. As a result, 40 individuals identified themselves as inactive and agreed to have the National Office suspend their licenses. At any time in the future, if those members decide to re-engage in the sport, they will be welcomed back as active Safety Stewards once they meet the requirements set for RRSS. By August of 2019, all of the existing RRSS had responded, all email addresses were updated in the National Membership database, and this task was officially closed.  

One of the last tasks undertaken in updating the RRSS Training was to create an online training tool for the program, and roll it out to existing RRSS/RRSSI and new RRSS applicants. A small group of RoadRally Board members (Mike Bennett, Wendy Harrison, and Peter Schneider), working with Chris Robbins SCCA Director, Region Development, have created a RRSS training module and online Knowledge Test in the Learning Management System (LMS). 

Rather than producing a separate Safety Steward Video and an automated Safety Steward Certification Knowledge Test, the new training module integrates both efforts into a multi-media course which will be available in Members Content of the My Leaning menu on the SCCA Membership Access Portal. 

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The RRSS training module contains seven chapters, each under 10 minutes long, and a final Knowledge Test of twenty questions. At the end of each chapter, there are one or two questions to help you retain the information presented in the chapter. In total there are 30 questions associated with the training. The course and the Knowledge Test can be completed in less than 45 minutes, or you can break it up by chapter over several days if desired. The presentation includes in-car and drone video clips supplied by the rally community, to break up the narrative and to help keep the material interesting. 

This new RRSS training module is currently in the final phase of Beta testing by more than a dozen volunteers and will be ready for rollout to the RRSS community by February 15th, 2021. 

Due to limitations of the LMS software licensing agreement, all existing RRSS and RRSSI who wish to retain their licenses will need to take the course and pass the Knowledge Test by June 30th, 2021. All RRSS will need a passing grade of 90%, while RRSSI are required a passing grade of 100%. The course is designed so that multiple attempts are allowed to take the Knowledge Test before you have to repeat the course. After June 30th, the licenses of all existing RRSS and RRSSI who have not completed the course and passed the Knowledge Test will be retired. If at any time in the future they decide to re-engage in the sport, they will be welcomed back as active Safety Stewards after taking and passing the RRSS Training in LMS. 

In the future, RRSSI will need to certify that they are actively involved by confirming that they have either: conducted a formal classroom session, or mentored/signed off on a new RRSS in the last three years. In order to become a new RRSSI, a RRSS will need five or more years as a RRSS, have been the RRSS of record for at least four SCCA rallies during that time period, and obtained a 100% passing grade on a current Knowledge Test. 

For your reference, click here for the updated RRSS/RRSSI Application Process. If you wish to participate in the RRSS Training in LMS, no additional action is required. You will receive an automated invitation from SCCA to register and take the course. If you have any questions, please contact Peter Schneider at PJSCHNEIDER@GMAIL.COM or 908-938-8750.

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