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SCCA RoadRally Rules – Six Changes Make the Cut for the 2022 RRR’s

For 2022 the Road Rally Board (RRB) has approved six changes to the Road Rally Rules (RRRs).

There are several overriding themes to these changes. Part of the RRB’s stated mission is to promote more events in more regions and take steps to increase the number of entries in those events. Several of the following changes attempt to address those goals. Another theme is eliminating the need to request sanction exceptions for procedures that have become commonplace and eliminating some committee tasks seen as unnecessary. Hopefully, these types of changes will make life a bit easier for organizing committees. The specific changes and the rationale for making them are below.

Probably the most important change is the addition of a fourth Competition Class, Class G, which allows any APP with mileage derived from a GPS source. The Limited Class (L) will now be limited to calculation devices requiring manual mileage entry.  

Rationale: The rapidly developing GPS technology has surpassed the traditional Class L timing mechanisms. For example, APPs using GPS mileage can now provide a readout that continuously displays early/late status. This type of system would typically have been placed in the Equipped Class (E); however, GPS mileage inconsistencies currently make those systems non-competitive in Class E. It was believed that forcing teams using these systems into Class E could cause some of those teams to leave the sport. The RRB also believes that the new Class G will attract newcomers to the sport since GPS devices and electronic APPs are becoming increasingly popular.

It had been proposed that wheel-driven mileage be required for measurement purposes on National and Divisional rallies. Several Regions responded that if that proposal were adopted, they would be unable to put on National and Divisional events. Rather than risk losing some events, the RRB did not adopt that proposal but instead added wording that if a GPS odometer drive was used for measurement, the Committee must include that information in the General Instructions and the event’s promotional materials.

Rationale: Again, while GPS mileage is generally considered not as consistently accurate as wheel-driven mileage, the potential loss of events was considered more significant as long as contestants were notified in advance of the situation.

The requirement for Organizing Committees to include a set of General Instructions in the registration packet was eliminated, although the wording was added that sets of General Instructions must be available at registration if needed.

Rationale: General instructions are now sent out two weeks in advance. Contestants typically mark up those copies and bring them with them. The copy in the registration packet is often just discarded, and this was considered a waste of money and effort for the Committee. Some contestants did say they have occasionally forgotten their copy, and therefore the requirement to have some “extra” copies on hand at registration.

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The requirement that Route Instructions be handed out 30 minutes in advance of departure was changed to be at least 30 minutes.

Rationale: It has become commonplace for Committees to request a sanction exception to hand out route instructions 45 minutes or an hour prior to departure. A sanction exception is no longer needed.

Current wording was that when multiple events were conducted concurrently, a contestant could only enter one for championship points. The wording “for championship points” was removed, and thus a contestant may now only enter one event even if non-declaring another event.

Rationale: For example, a TSD Course event is sometimes conducted concurrently with a question and answer type GTA event. It was felt that attempting to run both events while looking at two sets of instructions could potentially create an unsafe condition for distracted driving. There could also be issues of creating a competitive advantage, such as a GTA question indicating the presence of a trap situation on the Course event. 


Wording was added to the description of landmark identification, including an example that the sign “Iron Bridge Tavern” identifies a tavern, not a bridge. The additional wording also requires that if a Committee wishes to apply identifying signs otherwise, such as permitting partial identification, that must be included in a section in the General Instructions describing landmark identification (similar to road identification requirements).

Rationale: The additional wording is intended to eliminate some confusion that has arisen when using proper nouns as modifiers to identify landmarks, as per the included example. This is consistent with requirements for road identification, although an additional section in the GIs is only required if a Committee intends identifying signs to apply otherwise. Most events will not need to add this section.

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