RoadRally Standings

SCCA RoadRally Planning Calendar

Hot off the presses — the latest calendar of sanctioned rallies and events that have claimed their date in the new year. Yes! It has been brutal this year, with many events postponed and most ultimately shifted into 2021 or canceled.

We’ve seen many creative ways to keep our sport alive: online registration exclusively, email routes, SpeedWaivers for less contact at Registration, and Richta GPS Checkpoint app and Rabbit App for scoring . Yet many mourn the loss of that “car”maraderie that is only found with road rally in the pre-event, checkpoints chats and post-rally socializing.

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Our friends in Oregon, the Cascade Sports Car Club, had the catchy name of TSsD Rallying, with the “s” for Social! Stay safe out there and we look forward to 2021 seeing a return to rallying and socialization after!

Thank you to Jeanne English for getting this out the door to us early this morning! Click here for your copy!

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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