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SCCA RoadRally Board Technical Bulletin

Date: April 12, 2021 

The RoadRally Board (RRB) has been informed that some Class L competitors are not properly interpreting Class L’s equipment limitations. There are two methods that qualify a Team to compete in Class L on National and Divisional sanctioned RoadRallies:  

Method 1: The mileage used to calculate your time is derived from any unrestricted method including the cars odometer, magnets or etc. That mileage must be manually entered into the team’s calculating device.    

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Method 2: The mileage used for calculating your time is derived solely from a GPS odometer. Any app may be used, including those devices that take direct mileage input from the GPS odometer. 

Mileage derived in Method 1 cannot be used in Method 2. To correct the GPS mileage in any form, even if it is manually entered, is illegal use of equipment. The rules expressly forbid Class L Rally Teams from using mileage derived by Method 1 with an app that automatically adds GPS-derived mileages. 

As noted above, this rule applies to events sanctioned as a National or Divisional RoadRally. Rules in Regional events may vary. The RRB is disseminating this clarification to the entire SCCA RoadRally community and asking the Divisional Stewards, Event Committees, and competitors to comply with the proper equipment. Should anyone need further information about this, please e-mail both the RRB and the National Events Committee (NEC) at and    

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