RoadRally Standings

SCCA NEC September 2021 News

Well guys, this is something you haven’t seen for a while. An actual update on the goings on at the National Events Committee.

Clyde Heckler has joined to the NEC. He replaces J Toney.

Our work has been somewhat subdued, like it usually is, over the summer. The National RoadRally Championship has been set and is in fact beginning to wind down. We apologize for the scheduling conflicts that arose. With the 2021 events being jammed into the last half of the year, as we waited for the Covid crisis to wind down, some of the conflicts just couldn’t be resolved.

So just what are we doing? We are working closely with the RRB in implementing updates to the 2022 RoadRally Regulations. And we’re already working next year’s schedule, as it’s time to begin the 2022 National Championship schedule. Should you have even the slightest inkling of putting on a National RoadRally Championship event, either National or Divisional, please send a note to the NEC at Doing so will be a big help in avoiding conflicts like we experienced in 2021. So far, we have commitments for late April in Pittsburgh, early June in Madison WI, and mid-September in La Crosse WI.

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Thatz AZICIT on September 4 at 8:56 CDT

Mike Thompson, NEC Co-Chair

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