The RRB adopted the following points based on the recommendation of the late Harry M. Handley. The standings are based on the lifetime scoring project that the late Robert V. Ridges began and resurrected by the late Russell K. Brown.
Lifetime standings for TSD rallies are based on the first six overall positions (10, eight, six, five, four, and three points, respectively) at all SCCA-sanctioned National TSD RoadRally events conducted from 1958 to December 31, 2021. Points are included in the RRR’s for participants with 25 or more points.
Lifetime Points are maintained by R. Bruce Gezon, who assumed the duty in 2014 from the late W. David Teter, who assumed the duty from the late Victor T. Wallder in 1997. For inquiries about individual standings, call 724-325–1758 or email: