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SCCA Hall of Fame Nominations Deadline for Class of 2022 is June 15th

Why this is important for you to consider —

We all have those moments in our Sports Car Club of America history that we have enjoyed as either a competitor, worker, or organizer. Mine spans RallyCross, Club Racing, founding the Arctic Alaska Region, Solo aka autocross, and Road Rally. Yet, I honestly share that my time spent serving on the SCCA Hall of Fame has been some of the most enjoyable and certainly enlightening, as well! I have served on the Nomination Committee and been responsible for writing some of the submissions that go forward to the Selection Committee. And, as one who has promoted the submission of Hall of Fame names to the committees from this very rally community each year — I submitted another name in 2020.

You need to know that names submitted are placed in a database and remain viable for future years. I read all 130+ prior submissions, and often, additional submissions helped to flesh out a candidate’s life in motorsports and the SCCA. Please, don’t send an “I nominate Ran DeRally. You all know why he should be in the Hall of Fame” letters or a letter campaign with friends suggesting a name; it is not the volume, yet the history and stories that count in selecting a candidate! I scoured the internet and provided backup via pdf-files, knowing that not all on the committees may be willing to research, yet they would be willing to read what was submitted.

The SCCA Hall of Fame is for all SCCA Members, yet the responsibility to see our fellow road rally members, mentors, and those who went before us brought forward for consideration falls squarely on our shoulders. Please go through your memory banks, look across the table at rallies, old standings ‘n newsletters and then submit those names to the SCCA Hall of Fame. This year’s deadline is June 15th, yet do not let that deter you as you may make submissions after that date; they will be held for the Class of 2023 consideration. Are YOU ready to write your first submission? Click here for the pdf-fillable form to submit for 2022!

Not familiar with the Hall of Fame? Check out this link for previous Inductees and click their names for their photos and biographies, as well as our post here in February 2021 on the Induction of R. Bruce Gezon.

From the SCCA Webpage —

The SCCA Hall of Fame is a celebration of the greatest and brightest lights in the Sports Car Club of America, made even more special by the fact that each and every selected member has been nominated for a vote by an SCCA member.

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Officially, the purpose of the SCCA® Hall of Fame is to preserve, protect and record the history and accomplishments of the Club for current and future members by recognizing those who have had a significant impact on the Club and the sport. This may be through service to the national organization, achievements in competition, advancement of the sport, or bringing recognition to the SCCA that inspires enthusiasts to seek out and become SCCA members. 

The Nuts & Bolts Part of the SCCA Hall of Fame —

Any SCCA member may submit a nomination for consideration of induction into the SCCA Hall of Fame here. This submission should describe in enough detail to paint a picture of how this nominee impacted the development of the SCCA in the ways noted above. The deadline for submitting a nomination is June 15.

Four committees operate the SCCA Hall of Fame in conjunction with the SCCA Executive Management Team.

  1. The Steering Committee oversees the general operation of the process through seeking candidates to serve on the committees, reviewing procedures periodically, and making recommendations to the SCCA.
  2. The Legacy Committee researches and seeks out nominations for SCCA members that impacted the SCCA’s development in the first one-third of its history, annually submitting up to five names to the Selection Committee for induction consideration.
  3. The Nominating Committee reviews nominations received from the SCCA membership and annually submits up to ten names to the Selection Committee for induction consideration.
  4. The Selection Committee reviews the names submitted by the Legacy and Nominating Committees and then decides on those chosen for induction by late November, with a portion of the Inductees coming from each Committee.

Once the SCCA President/CEO has contacted the Inductees or their families, the names of the Inductees are formally announced. The induction ceremony is conducted at the Hall of Fame Banquet portion of the annual SCCA National Convention.

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