RoadRally Standings

CA: San Diego SCCA – Backcountry Bliss Rally

Summer was truly in gear for the Backcountry Bliss Rally hosted by the San Diego SCCA on Saturday, July 15, in El Cajon, CA. You know you’re in for a toasty rally when people are sweating during the driver’s meeting! Our knowledgeable expert teams helped our first-timer and novice categories with some of the stickier rally questions around time allowances. Several first-timers returned to report they understood how time allowances could be utilized, which was awesome.

We had a good mix of classes, including Corvettes, Experts, Family, First-timers, and Novices. The rally took our drivers into the scenic local mountains around Alpine – which are still uncharacteristically green for San Diego this time of year. The rally continued through Alpine before looping back into El Cajon, where we ended the rally at URBN Coal Fired Pizza. It’s always great to compare notes with fellow drivers after a rally and learn about things you may have missed on the course. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Eastern San Diego County – and were equally excited to return to slightly cooler El Cajon!  

Here are our winner results for the rally:

1. First-timers – 1st place goes to Joseph Parsons and Graham Bamfield, with a score of 47.3

2. Novices – 1st place goes to Huw Rees and Andrew Londerholm, with a score of 37.5

3. Family – 1st place goes to Michael and Walt Dalman, with a score of 150.4

4. Corvettes – 1st place goes to Marc and Heather Watson, with a score of 121.2

5. Experts – 1st place goes to Bev and Tom Gould, with a score of 19.9

Congratulations to our winners and participants for a successful Backcountry Bliss Rally!

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