RoadRally, SCCA National News

RRR and RFO Updates from SCCA RoadRally Board

Both Items Approved by RRB, May 6, 2014

Submitted by Chuck Hanson, RRB

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Errors and Omissions – Article 20 Claims

Due to an error, Article 20 E) of the RRRs, first paragraph is changed from: “In the resolution of claims, the Claims Committee shall consider the evidence presented, the SCCA RRRs and/or the event’s GIs with supplements in addition to its rights as stated in Section E above.”

to: “In the resolution of claims, the Claims Committee shall consider the evidence presented, the SCCA RRRs and/or the event’s GIs with supplements in addition to its rights as stated in Section D above.”

The last paragraph of Article 20  E) is changed from: “In denying a claim the committee must, in its judgment, effectively refute a least one of the two points required by Section E.

to “In denying a claim the committee must, in its judgment, effectively refute at least one of the two points required by Section D.”

Technical Bulletin – Rules For Organizers

Effective April 8, 2014

The RoadRally Board has amended the following portion of Chapter 24 B after a review of the Claim’s Committee inappropriate actions during the 2014 Steel Haul National Rally. No change will be made to the Official Results but the claimant’s fee shall be returned. The italicized bold portion shall be considered to be a permanent change to the RFOs until such time that a new edition containing this amendment is published.

  1. 6. The vast majority of claims received by Claims Committees revolve around the interpretation of route instructions or their conformity to the SCCA RRR or the GI’s. In resolving claims of this nature, the claims committee should interpret the language of the route instruction or regulations in the normally accepted sense. Laborious, obscure, or illogical reasoning in an effort to find some justification for rejecting a claim has no place in the SCCA RoadRally program. If it is concluded that a disputed route instruction is erroneous or contrary to the SCCA RRR or GI’s, and this error could reasonably have affected the contestant’s score, the proper course of action for a claims committee is to discard the leg rather than to make an individual adjustment in the claiming contestant’s score. The claims committee shall never consider or use a contestant’s opportunity to recover from a course error as a reason to deny an otherwise valid claim.

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