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RRB Technical Bulletin on Vehicle Owner Insurance

Date: May 1, 2023

Technical Bulletin
From the SCCA RoadRally Board

The RoadRally Board (RRB) has been asked by members of the RoadRally community to provide clarity on how SCCA insurance and vehicle owners insurance interact in the event of an incident during a sanctioned event. SCCA’s insurance underwriters provided this statement:

  • On the public road in a regular traffic accident, the participant’s auto policy would be involved on a primary basis. After that, SCCA’s event liability policy would sit on top of it. The participant accident would respond after their primary medical to anyone in the participating vehicle signed in as a participant of the event. If the accident takes place on private property, then the SCCA event liability policy would be first in line.
  • Any physical damage to a participant’s car is the participant’s responsibility under their personal auto policy. SCCA, just like in the other types of events, does not cover damage to participant’s vehicles while participating in the event.

In response to a follow-up question, SCCA Staff has noted that the third sentence in the first paragraph above (“The participant accident would respond after their primary medical to anyone in the participating vehicle signed in as a participant of the event.”) is understood to mean that, in the event of a participant injury, their health insurance or any personal injury auto insurance would respond before SCCA participant insurance would. To put it another way, the SCCA participant insurance policy would be secondary/backup to any other primary medical insurance.

In summation, the SCCA event liability insurance is supplemental to the event participant’s personal insurance coverage in some areas. The SCCA insurance does not provide coverage for the participant’s personal vehicle, but it does provide coverage for any non-participant’s vehicle involved in an incident, as well as for property damage resulting from an incident.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at

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