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Robert V. Ridges Award 2022 Recipient Requests

The SCCA RoadRally Board seeks recommendations for potential recipients for the Robert V. Ridges Award for 2022. Please send any name(s), along with justification for consideration, before midnight, November 29, 2022, directly to the RRB via email: rrb@scca.com. To aid in your understanding of the gentleman whose name the Award carries, we offer the following…

Bob Ridges was Secretary of the RRB from the inception of the National program in 1957 until his death in 1965. This award is presented to the SCCA member who exemplifies the highest degree of dedication and sportsmanship in the sport during the preceding year who has made an outstanding contribution to the success of an event during its execution; who has made an outstanding contribution to the program as a whole; who has exhibited exceptional sportsmanship involving personal sacrifice; or who has undertaken physical risk for the preservation of life or property. 

This award is not intended for sitting RRB members, Official Observers, Rallymasters, or Officials unless they have clearly demonstrated extraordinary dedication, achievement, and/or sportsmanship above and beyond the duties and responsibilities of their office. Contestants shall only be eligible in cases involving exceptional sportsmanship, personal sacrifice, or risk. The recipient is selected by the RRB based on recommendations of any rally participant or Board member. Presentation of the award is made at the Annual SCCA National Convention. An individual may only receive this award once. This is the highest honor within the SCCA Rally Program, and as such, the Award may not be presented each year.

“Bob was a sportsman in the truest sense of the word. To him, sportsmanship lay in the manner of performance rather than in the winning; though as a competitor, he always strived to do his best. His honesty, integrity, sincerity and never failing good humor as well as his dedication to sports car activities have left an indelible mark.” 
SportsCar March 1965 

Past Recipients of the Robert V. Ridges Award

2021 R. Bruce Gezon, Murraysville, PA

2020 John J. Sears, Tucson, AZ 

2019 Bruce Fisher, Dimondale, MI 

2018 John Emmons, Galesville, WI and Lois Van Vleet, Galesville, WI 

2017 Rich Bireta, Lawrence, KS 

2016 Mike Thompson, La Crosse, WI 

2010 Cheryl Babbe, Anchorage, AK and Bill Demming, Anchorage, AK 

2009 Ron Ferris, Florissant, MO 

2007 Bob Ricker, Pompano Beach, FL 

2006 Jeanne English, Hermosa Beach, CA 70 

2005 Jim Mirrielees, Arlington, VA 

2003 Ted Goddard, Perkinsville, VT 

2000 Jim Heine, St. Louis, MO 

1998 Paula Gibeault, Ridgecrest, CA 

1997 Russell Brown, Houston, TX 

1994 Gene Henderson, Pinckney, Ml 

1993 Bob Radford, Rockford, IL 

1991 John Classen, Burbank, CA 

1990 Norman W. Hill, Lisle, IL 

1989 Virginia J. Reese, Ann Arbor, Ml 

1987 John Buffum, Colchester, VT 

1985 W. David Teter, Newark, DE 

1982 “Doc” Floyd Shrader, M.D., W. Memphis, AR 

1979 Harry M. Handley, Westport, CT 

1976 Clyde Durbin, Dallas, TX 

1975 Wayne J. Zitkus, Toledo, OH 

1973 Erhard Dahm, Farmington, MI 

1972 Kenneth Adams, Bakersfield, CA 

1971 Ronald W. Jones, Tucson, AZ 

1969 Victor T. Wallder, Nutley, NJ 

1967 Frank Schmitz, Shawnee, KS 

1965 Sam E. Fast, Middletown, NY 

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