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RoadRally Safety Steward License Updates

Suppose you have been following this topic in Road Rally eNews or read the periodic announcements by the SCCA RoadRally Board (RRB). In that case, you know that the RRB has gone to extensive effort to update the RoadRally Safety Steward program over the last couple of years.

That “project” has now moved into “Production/Steady State.” We started several years ago by documenting the process of how to become a RoadRally Safety Steward (RRSS) and creating a standardized RoadRally Safety Steward Knowledge Test. At the same time, we asked all existing RRSS to conduct a self-assessment of their involvement in the program, which resulted in over three dozen RRSS surrendering their License to the National Office due to lack of participation in the sport.

In 2020 the RRB formed a Training Subcommittee (Wendy Harrison, Mike Bennett, and me) to work with Chris Robbins of the National Office to develop an online Learning Management System (LMS) Education Videos and Knowledge Test. The National Office selected the RoadRally program to pilot the program via the new online Member Account Portal. The Course was Beta Tested in the winter of 2020/2021. It was rolled out to all existing RRSS in the spring of 2021, with a target date of July 1st for all RRSS to take and pass the Course to recertify for a newly established 3-Year RRSS License.

Those who do not take and pass the test will retain their existing License until their Membership Anniversary date when their RRSS License expires. The new 3-Year RRSS License aligns us with other Safety programs within SCCA. The July 1st date was set due to LMS Software License limitations and expanded to December 31st as additional software Licenses became available to SCCA. Concurrent with the rollout of the Course to all existing RRSS, all new RRSS were required to take and pass the Course.

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As of December 1st, 127 new and existing RRSS have taken the Course and now have a 3-Year License. 93 RRSS are operating under a 1-Year License which will expire at their Anniversary Date, and we have 37 who let their RRSS License expire at their Anniversary Date since July 1st.

All individuals that have not taken the Course have until December 31st to access the Member Account Portal and take the Course, which only requires about 45 minutes to view the videos and take the “open book” quizzes/Knowledge Test. The LMS system will generate a final report on January 1st, and members that have taken the Course in December will get a new Membership Card showing the new 3-Year RRSS License. After January 1st, any existing RRSS who would like to take and pass the Course to either reactivate their RRSS License or convert to a 3-Year RRSS License will be required to contact the RRB to gain access to the system.
Between now and December 31st, please feel free to contact me at should you have any questions about the RRSS program or accessing the LMS Course. After that date, Wendy Harrison is the contact for the RRSS Training program via her RRB email address: She will be the primary contact between the RRB and the SCCA Training Department.

Effective 1/1/2022, the “pass” requirement for the Knowledge Test will change from 90% minimum to 100% for all who take the Course to obtain an RRSS or RRSSI License or recertify. Everyone will have unlimited chances to acquire a 100% score; this aligns with SCCA’s latest expectations for all program’s Safety Stewards. To aid our RRSS Instructors, the RRB is developing training to help them be more effective leaders and instructors.

I want to thank everyone who participated in the development/update of the RRSS program over the years, the Beta Testing of the LMS Course, and those who took the Course in 2021.

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