Road Rally News, SCCA RRB Checkpoint Chat

RoadRally Rules and Trek Rules – Request for Comment Sought by RRB

The SCCA RoadRally Board thanks all members who proposed changes to the RoadRally Rules or to the Trek Rules for 2024. The RoadRally Board, the National Events Committee, and the RoadRally Regional Development Committee have reviewed and discussed these proposals and selected some for which we believe comments from the RoadRally community will be valuable. Some other proposed changes not requiring feedback may also be adopted for 2024.

Below are two documents for your review and comment. The first is a listing of the proposed changes to the RoadRally Rules (RRRs). Note that changes to the current RRRs text are shown in red font. The second is a proposed rewrite of the Trek Rules, which incorporates a number of suggestions we received. In that document, changes are highlighted with a yellow background.

Please send your comments to by 8/31/2023. All feedback is welcome, but it is most helpful if you clearly state that you do or do not support the proposed change as worded. Thank you!

Mike Bennett for the RoadRally Board

From RReNews – we’re working on getting back to our uploads working. Click the image below to open the pdf, allowing for download, printing, or enlargement on your screen.

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