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RoadRally Road Map Makes its Debut

Road maps. Do you remember the maze of roads in various colors filling a page that was challenging to fold back into shape? Yet, if followed, you could drive across the United States with many routes clearly shown. Many of us now plug in an address to our vehicles or smartphones, choose a route, and head out the same way. Regardless of the format, road maps leading you to the correct destination are immensely useful tools – something that’s true even when referring to the SCCA RoadRally program.

The RoadRally Regional Development Committee’s (RRDC) mission is to facilitate and support the development and expansion of RoadRally programs and communities across SCCA Regions. The RRDC’s initial and evolving RoadRally Road Map (RRM) taps into the knowledge of long-standing rallyists and resource documents/videos from websites – SCCAs, and others. It provides a starting point to build or enhance a RoadRally program.

The RRM will consist of three legs beginning with the “why” and “how,” allowing your Region to build an enjoyable, challenging, and successful RoadRally program. 

While still under construction, the second leg is for Rallymasters and Region RoadRally Committees, covering Rallymaster skills and the many necessary program duties. The RRDC is incorporating real-life experience and insights from Rallymasters; it is not just a textbook “how to.”

The final leg will be for competitors, particularly those new to the sport or trying a different style of rallying. Often, inexperienced competitors aren’t told how to prepare for a RoadRally day and what to expect after they arrive at the event’s starting location.

Within SCCA RoadRally programs, committees follow common paths as they begin, manage, or re-energize their programs. The RRDC is not intending to tell Regions with existing programs they must do something this way or that, yet there are standard practices many Regions follow. Therein, the RRDC hopes the RRM contributes new ideas as a Region progresses with its RoadRally program.

While each leg of the RRM is an easy read, each section is designed so people can scan the table of contents and head directly to sections that interest them – although a full read will benefit all. And while much of the information is evergreen, the RRDC will review the document and update the version as necessary.

The RRDC team welcomes feedback on “Leg 1” of the RRM, which is available by click here or at under “Rules and Documents.” You may also reach the RRDC at

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