RoadRally Standings, There's an APP for That!

SCCA RoadRally and Richta GPS Checkpoints Zoom Get-Together

On April 22, 2021, at 7 PM Central, the Sports Car Club of America’s RoadRally Board will be hosting a RoadRally zoom get-together. The topic will be Getting Started with the Richta GPS Checkpoints with creator and presenter Rich Bireta

This session is for everyone who wants to understand the step-by-step process of creating a RoadRally event using the Richta GPS Checkpoints app. It is meant for beginners and will complement the information provided at the two sessions led by Rich Bireta during this year’s SCCA National Convention.

You can join the Zoom Get-together here! Be sure to download the Zoom App (via your smart device app store or prior, so you will be ready for Getting Started with the Richta GPS Checkpoints at 7P Central!

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