History, Road Rally News

Road Rally Histories and Record-Setting Events! We begin collecting data!

The RReNews Clan has been talking about the longest-running road rally in America, yet that led to defining what that means and the various options! Do we limit it to the longest in years, by the same sanctioning body, by the same Rallymaster, and the same name of the event? What about Covid, and how do we account for that?

Then, talk of charity road rally events and the listing of those and the funds raised through our sport of road rally! We’ve decided, and we will take in all the information and see what categories shake out from that. We know the Porsche Club of America in New York has the Snowflake Rally in New York, Joanne and Peter Schneider have been involved with the Teddy Bear Rally with the Marine Toys for Tots and the SCCA Northern New Jersey Region, Ted Goddard had Covered Bridge Rally with the SCCA New England Region, Cascade Sports Car Club in Oregon has their 56th Mountains to the Sea Rally this September, and the MG’s of Baltimore have a history. Personally, we were involved with the Mayday Mayday Road Rally!

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This will only be successful with your help in identifying those road rally events in your area and rally travels. Please send us an email with your information: Event Name, Rallymaster, dates the event ran, and a brief history. For Charity events, we would like the name of the charity, the prior info above, and the total funds raised! We welcome your comments on the criteria for the categories too. We hope our readership, with their years of rally experience, will help us come up with some details for our future article! Email us today with your contributions at rrenews@comeroadrallywith.us.

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