Building a Road Rally Program, Road Rally News

Road Rally eNews – TLDR? Links to Website? Leave it alone?

We know of individuals locally who have chosen not to signup after two+ years of rallying. We talked with a GTA rallyist in Indiana, before the USRRC17, who thought it was “just a publication for your Region” and while in their inbox had not been reading it nor aware they could be promoting their events in its pages.

Most recently, during our Spring Cleaning of the RReNews list, we learned that there were over 58-readers who would miss it, confirmed they wanted to stay on and affirmed that they find it a worthy read for our beloved motorsport of road rally across North America. That was a lot of “feel goods” for our small team of volunteers! Sixteen clicked the “get me outta here” button and we gladly honored their request.

We have been struggling with how much there is in each edition (often eight-screen/page scrolls) and the TLDR (too long didn’t read) generation of email readers these days. We’ve looked at many print publications and even they know the attention span is not there for lengthy pieces.

That said, we do have great contributions coming in that deserve to be read! This month from the Snowflake and Arizona Border Region events, and we are seeing the increase of events being sent our way for inclusion on the calendar as well! Our recent Smuncher’s Attic column has been well received. We continue to extend RReNews as an outlet for all road rally events from all sanctioning bodies, as well as a resource to update the community on There’s an App for That, My First Road Rally, and reader favorites — event wrap-ups, how-tos, and history!
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While we won’t have a monthly column from the SCCA RoadRally Board this year, we do have Bruce Gezon providing the SCCA Championship Standings, Jeanne English’s planning calendar and the SCCA Board Minutes, Words from the Wheel with Jamie Mullins, and Mike Thompson (when nagged) on the National Events Committee!

The March edition of RReNews is heading out the door. It will look different and we are seeking your input for upcoming editions. We, too, want the preference resolved as we move onto busy seasons of activities – both motorsport and family! Is a short ‘n sweet the answer and we send you to a webpage “for more” going to be the answer? Will more readers be able to scroll and see more vs. one article taking two-page scrolls? We’ll see, and we are eagerly (and anxiously) awaiting your feedback!

Thank you for your support, Your RReNews Team

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