SCCA National News

Policy Announced: SCCA Brand Usage in Social Media

In keeping with a multiyear effort to enhance and improve the experience of being an SCCA® member, the Sports Car Club of America® is enacting a new social media policy, effective immediately. For some time, social media has played an integral role in reaching out to, communicating with, growing and retaining Members. As it is a way to give automotive and motorsports enthusiasts direct interaction with the SCCA, its events, partners and sponsors it is essential to have a policy in place to set and maintain standards. The goal is to ensure that the SCCA brand is exclusively utilized in social media spaces that promote positive and respectful communication and are tied to SCCA’s programs and Regions.

This is another step in the organization’s overall commitment to the creation of a welcoming and member-friendly atmosphere, as reflected in the Club’s mission statement: To fuel a safe, fun and exciting motorsports experience for automotive enthusiasts.

The policy does not and is not intended to limit what SCCA members can post in their own social media spaces, although it is preferred that personal social media messages be respectful. The SCCA encourages its Members, Region Leaders, Officials and Volunteers to be champions on behalf of the Club, and social media allows people to do that easily. Members are allowed and urged to share their SCCA experiences and ideas, as well as questions or concerns as they see fit. The language of the policy applies exclusively to the ownership and management of groups, pages, forums and other entities that are titled with “SCCA,” be it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, forums or other social outlets.

According to Chris Robbins, Director of Region Development, this effort has two primary purposes. “First and foremost, we have made a commitment to our members, through the crafting of the Welcoming Language, to promote and uphold a respectful and positive environment. In 2020, that environment extends beyond the gates of our event facilities and into the world of social media. Additionally, we have a responsibility to protect the SCCA brand in these spaces. One would not expect to come to an official SCCA website and see disrespectful content, and that standard should be no different when visiting an official SCCA social media space.”

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The use of social media presents certain risks and carries certain responsibilities, including how and where the SCCA name, official logo and other branding is used. Within this policy, SCCA Staff will coordinate with social media sites, such as Facebook, to ensure SCCA trademarks are being used legally and with permission. Entities found to be in violation of the terms of the policy, and thus using SCCA trademarks without permission, will be required to cease using the SCCA brand. SCCA is prepared to exercise the right to take whatever steps necessary to ensure that trademarks are not used outside of policy and permission.

The Bigger Picture

This social media policy is an important piece of a broader organization-wide push to improve and enhance the online experience with SCCA, which also encompasses the new digital communications strategy launched this week and the evolving Member Account Portal—more info coming soon.


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